Story time #1

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My first time smoking weed 😭😭😭

Ight so this story is about when I smoked weed for the first time. Ight so boom..this all started back in January 2016.

Around this time, I was in this lil step team or whatever with my friend Destiny and other people whom I'm not really close with anymore—but that's besides the point.

On the team, your able to meet new people because...well they your team mates and you have to get along 😭.  Me and Destiny met this girl named De'briana but we called her Dora.

Out of everybody on the team, we became..I don't wanna say close friends ( we use to be close friends, somewhat you turned into my girlfriend, we use to tell each other everything, I even went and brought a diamond ring - lol let me stop ) but let's just say we had a wonderful bond ☺️.

So one day, it was during regents week ( a week for those who failed their regents over the summer during summer school ) and me and Destiny were somewhat still fresh to being in high school so we ain't had to worry about that.

I was at my dads house on the other side of town and Destiny had texted me and asked me what I was doing. I told her nothing and she had asked me..

" You wanna come with me to Dora's house? "

" Where she live? "

" She lives right down third, on the boarder line of Pelham before the bridge. " she replies. I ain't had nothing better to do, so I said fuck it, let's go.

I told Destiny I was coming from my dads crib and I had to stop by my moms and change my clothes and to just meet me there ( she only lived up the block from me ). I had clothes at my dads but I had better options at my moms.

I get to my moms, changed my clothes and me and Destiny went on our way to Dora's house. We had decided to walk there just to burn up some time and talk. She then asks me..

" You brought money? "

" Yea, I never come outside without bringing at least ten dollars. My fat ass gon be hungry soon "

" Ight good cuz we gon need to go half and half " I looked at her like she was crazy but then again, if I got money for food, my friends do to ( only my closets friends tho ).

I replied with, " Bro, you don't even gotta ask. You know if I'm eating, your eating too " I say. But, just started laughing 😐. I'm like what the fuck is so funny??

So I asked her, " What's funny? "

She says, " You, nigga. We ain't using the money for food " I looked at her like two dicks were on her head.

" What you mean I ain't using the money for food? Fuck am I using it for? Fuck am I gon eat? How am I gon eat? " I questioned. Cuz in the back of my mind, sis ain't explain the details to me earlier about using money for something else.

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