Chapter 5

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The four out of five of them continued to chat along until morning. Sam eventually got exhausted, and with some help, he headed for bed. The rest of them chilled out, reminiscing about old missions, pranks and memories, remembering the good ol' days. Somehow they'd started talking about major mess-ups and, first in line was definitely Wanda. All of their minds went back to the period post Ultron, where both Wanda and Vision were fairly new to all of it. It had been around six months, with everything that had been going on when the incident took place.

"You guys we're so mad at me," Wanda chuckled, remembering it.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I specifically told you not to get involved, didn't I?" Steve harshly continued scolding Wanda. They were on their way back to the Quinjet, Wanda would have almost been killed if Steve and Natasha didn't jump in.

It was basically another hydra infiltration mission for which Steve and Natasha were assigned and even though Wanda had stressed, she was told by the both of them on separate occasions that she wasn't ready for it. They were heading to one of the few intricate bases on which they didn't have much information too, regarding its size, prior activities and engagements and, after the last base like this, they didn't really want to take any chances.

Wanda had somehow sneaked into their Quinjet without getting noticed and had planned to prove her worth to them by surprising them with skills the sixteen-year-old proudly imagined she possessed.

"But seriously, the most important question is, how in hell, did you sneak inside?" Natasha asked.

"I'll admit I was just a beginner but hey, I was getting trained by the best," she winked at Natasha, making everyone laugh.

The both of them had been working as per plan, engaging in combat in the underground base, when suddenly Wanda had jumped in, almost out of nowhere for them, taking the two of them by more surprise than the soldiers she was tearing apart with her powers aggressively.

But rather quickly there came a point where one of the men hurled at her from behind with an iron rod, disbalancing and overpowering her but before he could strike, Natasha jumped right in saving her, while getting a nasty, deep-rooted cut. She had gotten stabbed by a glass piece somehow but she managed to push Wanda out of the way and continued to go on without getting as much injured as Wanda would have gotten if she hadn't traded.

Steve too soon enough was there and they somehow managed to deal with the base decently enough but one done, Steve could easily notice that Natasha wasn't doing that well.

Natasha's leg was bleeding profusely, yet she was quiet, it was generally her who did all the scolding, but she didn't really have much energy to deal with the teen at that moment.

Steve carried her in, placing her on the table, while Wanda took off, "Nat, are you all right? Getting dizzy?" Steve was taking out the first aid kit for her.

"...fine, just pull me up...uhh," Steve pulled her up in a sitting position, she had taken out the major piece of glass while she was in the base only but she could still feel something in there.

"Is there more glass inside or should I try to stop the bleeding?" he asked her, a bit panicked, while she was examining the wound with him.

"I think there's one. Its small, towards the left," she directed him, while sitting up, one hand on his shoulder, while other trying to point towards where she felt it.

Steve quickly pulled out the tiny splinter with the forceps, trying hard not to hurt her too much.

"Any more?" he asked, to which she quickly nodded.

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