Chapter 9

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After Helen had taken a look at Natasha and checked the stab wound that had been regenerated by the cradle, she was deemed fine, but the doctor still stressed for her to take it easy for a couple of days because of the strenuous amount of blood loss. Sam and Wanda had headed out to get some dinner packed for all of them, while Natasha and Steve continued to chat lightly in her room.

"I feel like I should sit beside you and read you the newspaper like those movies."

"Yeah, well screw the newspaper. Come here," Natasha beckoned him with a finger, while a mischievous grin graced her lips, making her intentions far more clearer to Steve.

And the moment he sat down, Natasha almost pounced upon him, kissing him passionately, not sparing any part of his lip. And soon, Steve matched her pace, and their innocent chit-chat turned into a full-blown make-out session, both of them relentlessly indulging into each other, kissing, kneading, pulling, letting their passion take over. Natasha's hand's moved under his shirt, wanting so much more, and Steve moved down to her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Their fervor only intensified with each and every passing moment.

They would have definitely gone much further, but they were interrupted by Sam and Wanda along with Dr. Cho too, who on Sam's convincing, had decided to join them for dinner.

"Shit! Seriously? After all this denial, you guys made me walk in on you doin' it?" Sam almost turned around, being the first to enter, the other two behind him too squirmed uncomfortably. Natasha too felt a little sheepish being walked in on like this for a moment, but the sight in front of her almost make her snicker: Steve was blushing so furiously that he was practically crimson. She squeezed his hand, trying to comfort him but also enjoying every bit of his 20th-century mannerisms.

"Guys, its fine come in." Natasha finally stated, getting a hang of the awkward situation, she couldn't help but relish each and every moment of them being put across as a corny couple, not when Steve looked so adorable while blushing.


Dinner had been fun. Helen had definitely missed out on a lot that had been going on so it felt good getting an update from them. Funnily enough, the most astonishing thing that she couldn't get over was Natasha's hair and Steve's beard.

Soon it was time for them to head over to bed and after the spectacle that Steve and Natasha had provided, Cho made the arrangement for a recliner chair for Steve to sleep in in Natasha's room, knowing he would end up there anyway. Natasha did insist a lot that he'd sleep in another room, in a proper bed, but Steve wasn't any less stubborn, he started pretending that he was already knocked out in 'the most comfortable recliner chair ever,' as he put it. Though his acting skills were pretty terrible, Natasha eventually let it slide, knowing she'd too prefer the closeness anyway.

The truth of the matter was that Steve wanted to watch her sleep, he always loved doing it because it always calmed him down in a manner that was almost unexplainable. It reminded him of happy memories and older times, always making him feel so tranquil somehow.

And watch her he did, but soon his thoughts took him back to one of his favorite nights in the Avenger's tower before the Ultron madness. One that he just could never forget.

Steve had just returned to the Avengers Tower, getting a message from Tony that he was required for another hydra infiltration mission, this one seemed to be a little more extensive though.

Taking his bags up to his floor, his mind still lost about his failed attempts at finding his long-lost best friend, he heard J.A.R.V.I.S's voice, "Captain Rogers, Mr. Stark wanted me to inform you that the debriefing session has been postponed to tomorrow as Agent Romanoff would be arriving tonight."

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