Chapter 1

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Backround information:
Justin Blake: 18
Tyler Brown: 16
Justin was at work when he saw this really cute boy walk in he didn't take his eyes off the boy. The boy walked to the counter.

Ummm, can I have a grande pinkity drinkity please?" he asked.
"Huh? Oh sorry yea of course 1 pink drink. One minute." he replied.
Tyler's pov
I could tell that Justin was into me by the way he looked at me. And I'm not gonna lie I'm low-key into him as well.
"Here's your drink. That'll be 4.89."
Tyler hands him a 5 dollar bill. "11 cent is your change." He says still kinda staring.
"Thanks." Tyler replies.
Tyler starts to walk away when Justin stops him. "Hey can I get your number?" he asks kinda hesitant.
Tyler looks him up and down and Justin is sure he's gonna say no but to his surprise he says, "Sure. Give me your phone I'll put my number in it." Tyler says and Justin gives him his and Tyler gives Justin his. They exchange numbers then Tyler leaves the store and Justin watches him leave.
--------------2 hours later-------------------------
Justin to Tyler
Justin- Hey qt
Tyler- Hey thx u 2
Justin- So do u want 2 meet up sometime?
Justin asked and he didn't expect Tyler to say yes.
Tyler- Yea that would b amazing. When and where?
Justin- 2pm my house?
Tyler- What's ur address?
Tyler- Thx see u then. Gn.
Justin- Gn.
The next day
Tyler gets up and gets dressed then goes to get his phone. He unplugs his phone and texts Justin.
Tyler- Hey.
Justin- Hey.
Tyler- Can't wait 2 see u 2day.
Justin- Me 2. Its gonna b amazing.

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