chapter 16

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After Beau left, I wen't to find out where I could get some driving lessons from. It was really confusing compared to England. When I got to drivers Z I signed up for some lessons then went home. My first lesson was tomorrow morning at 10am. I'm usually not even up at that time. I then went and sat in the garden hoping Beau was being nosy and looking into my garden. I then remebered about the dirty pig bag for Grace. I ran up to my room and then picked it up and gave it to Grace. She was over the moon with it all. She tipped out the bag and out fell a note. It was a not for me.

'you, me and a flight to melbourne to meet my family. What do you say?'

I was slightly nervous. I'd been only dating Beau for a couple of days now. But then again I wanted him to meet my family. I grabbed my phone and text Beau letting him know I found his note. I asked what day as my dad was flying over tomorrow for a week.

'In 2 weeks time xxxx' he replied.

'okay, I look forward to it. But you have to meet my family first xxx' I texted back.

'I would love to ;) xxxx'

I never replied after that but I went and sat on the balcony. It was actually really close to Beaus balcony. I looked over to see him and Jai playing some sort of game. I didn't want to look like I was being nosy so I put in one earphone and looked down at my phone. I hadn't spoken to Chloe today and I promised I would speak to her everyday so went in and got my laptop and then sat back on the balcony. I logged into skype to see I had 4 missed calls from Chloe. I called her back so we could catch up on gossip.

"I thought you was dead. Where have you been today?" she asked.

"I'm alive. I've just been really busy" I replied. In the corner of my screen was a small image of what Chloe could see. I looked up to check myself out and see Beau and Jai looking. I turned round slowly and pulled out my earphone. I smiled and then turned back round to Chloe.

"Chloe, this is Jai and Beau being nosy, say hi" I said whilst turning the camera to the boys. I then looked at her face I could tell she was about to scream. She had already spoken to Beau but not Jai. Jai was her fav from the Janoskians.

"Oh MY FUCKING GOD ! JAI I FUCKING LOVE YOU !" she shouted. Jai laughed then blew her a kiss.

"Hi Chloe, You okay ?" he said

"YES! I think I might faint ! Jai please follow me on twitter" she then gave him her twitter name and then checked her phone. Jai had followed her she was so happy.

"you will have to come visit Liv so I can meet you in person" Jai said as he winked at Chloe. She then started to jump about screaming.

"Chloe i'm going to go now. Speak later" I said.

"bye. Bye Jai, I love you" she then hung up. Shortly after I recieved a text from her with loads of '!!!' She was so happy.

I then closed my laptop and put it on the table. I walked over the the end of the balcony, so I could be closer to Beau and Jai. "I have my first driving test tomorrow" I shared. "What you haven't ever done a driving test before ?" Jai exclaimed. "Nope, In England you start your tests at 17 and then can start driving at 18" I explained. "what car would you get ?" questioned Jai. I then sarcastically replied with "something with wheels" I looked over to see Beau laughing. "No seriously ?" Jai asked. "I want an audi, convertable." I added. "nice taste" said Beau " your taste in cars are the same as your taste in boys" He added. I understood his joke clearly. I then said my goodbyes and wen't inside for dinner.

Mum had cooked us a Chiken kiev and rice. My favourite. We all sat at the dining table. My mum didn't know I was dating Beau but she knew I 'did it' with him.

"erm mum, Since Dad is coming to visit for a week, One day in the week , I would like you both to meet someone" I said trying to make it sound less awkward.

" let me guess, Beau ?" she asked.

"yeah, I'm dating him now" I said with a huge grin on my face. It sounds so weird saying that.

"See this move was worth it, wasn't it" she said smiling. I could tell she was happy for me. "Will you and Grace, meet your father tomorrow at the airport ?" she then asked. "

yeah, what time ?" I asked.

"I think around 3pm" She said.

"I have my first driving lesson tomorrow at 10am, by the way mum" I then said.

"look at my baby growing up" She said. She then stood up and poured herself another drink.

"oh and in two weeks time, Can I go to melbourne with Beau, Jai and Luke to meet their family ?" I asked as sweetley as I could so she would say yes.

"Liv, I'm glad for you and everything, but don't you think you and Beau are rushing things ? You've only been dating for a couple of days and now you want me to let you go across the world with him" She said as she sat back down.

I wasn't expecting that answer. I actually didn't have anything to reply back to that. I guess we sort of was rushing it. But it felt right.

"I guess, but it jsut feels right. Please mum. Its not like its just going to be us two, Jai and Luke are coming." I concluded.

"I will discuss it with your dad" She said. I didn't say anything else, just in case she changed her mind. I then put my head down and carried on eating my dinner. It was a long, silent dinner. It was so awkward. But I didn't care I was happy.

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