chapter 26

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So it was now 10am. We was all badly hung over but I had to ask the girls to leave early as my dad was leaving for the airport in an hour. After the girls left I still had 40 minutes to spend time with my dad before we took him to the aiport.

"wheres Beau ?" asked dad. Oh so all he cared about in this situation was Beau.

"erm at his ...  Why ?" I said to dad puzzled.

"get him over here, I have a gift for him" Dad said as he walked up the stairs. What the actual fuck I better have a gift too. I grabbed my phone and text Beau.

to Beau- 'Dad wan'ts you over here, hes got you a gift xxx'

from Beau- 'on my way over baby, see ya in a bit xx'

Next thing I no the doorbell rings. I walked down the stairs slowly as I had a raging headache. I opened the door and let Beau in. I gave him a kiss and then we went and sat on the sofa. Dad requested for us all to be sat together. I heard him walk down the stairs with a couple of crashes on the way. Me, Beau and Grace were all sat down. Mum was in the kitchen making brunch.

He gave Grace her presents first. He got her a Juicy Couture tracksuit and a sparkly pair of uggs. He then gave me my presents. He got me a $200 gift card for Pink and a $50 gift voucher for in the converse shop. Me and Grace bothed hugged and kissed him. He then walked towards Beau.

"I really do trust you, your a good lad Beau" My dad started.

He then pulled out a box. I wonder whats in the box. He handed it over to Beau. Beau opened it delicately, inside was another box with the rolex logo on. He opened the box and inside was a beautiful, golden rolex watch. Beaus face lit up.

"I cant accept this gift, its expensive and..." before Beau could finish dad butted in.

"I want you to have it, your a good lad and I feel your like part of the family" Dad smiled.

"thankyou" Beau stood up and gave my dad a hug. It was really sweet. The two men in my life hugging it was so cute. Beau never had a father figure so he really did appreciate my dad being so kind to him and taking him out. Dad then got out another box, but it was much larger.

This present was for all the boys to share. Beau opened it and inside was a keg. A keg is used in drinking games. The keg is filled with beer and you have to do a handstand on it with people holiding you legs, you then get the tube and drink as much as you can whilst upside down. The boys would get so much use out of this especially at parties they are always having at their house. Beau and my dad shared one last hug until mum came in with brunch. After eating we all helped dad collect all his bits and drove him to the airport. He turned to us one last time before walking through customs.

"Liv, don't get fired from the new job and Grace dont get expelled again" he then kissed us goodbye. He then turnt round to Beau. "if you and the boys ever tour in England give me a call and you have a place to stay" they then bro hugged one last time. I cried as I watched my dad walk over to customs, Beau put his arm round me and whispered "dont cry" into my ear then he kissed my forehead. Grace was crying to so me and Beau both hugged her tightly. After dad was no longer in our sight we walked out of the airport towards Beau's car.The ride home was silent on the sound of Grace sobbing into her jumper was the only sound we could hear.

When I got home I remembered I had take my CV down to Hollister. I printed off a copy and ran up stairs and got dressed. I put on a tracksuit and converse with my hair up in a knot and my glasses on. I was to hungover and upset to give a fuck what I looked like. Beau was layed on my bed admiring his new watch.

When I was dressed, Beau drove me down the the mall. When we got to Holister we was approached by a young, blonde girl. "Hi welcome to Hollister" She smiled.

"Where can I find the manager ?" I asked, smiling back.

"erm, he is out back, what can I help you with ?"

"oh he wanted to see me, I was offered a job" I said. She gave me a fake smile this time.

"follow me"  she then guided me towards 'the back'. Cody, the manager was sat on a couch. So ' the back' was the break room.

"you have someone here about a job" the girl smiled as she played with her hair and giggled. This girl smelt of desperation.

"Ah, thanks Amber, you can go now. LIv right ?"  The girl who now had a name walked off.  Cody then looked at me and circled me.

"I know I look rough, you don't need to make me feel any worse" I said as I watched his eyes look me up and down.

"hangover ?" He said whilst laughing.

"yes" I replied.

"have you got your CV ?" He then asked as he sat back down. I opened my bag and pulled out the paper and handed it to him. I watched his eyes scan the paper.

"It says here that you worked at celeb boutique ?" The memories flashed back. I looked down to the floor.

"yeah" I replied with a shameful tone.

"so you have experience with customers and working in a shop" He said with a grin. Should I lie or tell him that I only worked there for a day.

"erm sort of, truth is I only worked there for like half a day" I said.

"work experience ?" He asked.

"no, it was a job but they fired me because there wasn't enough work to go around" I said. I didn't tell him about the customer situtation and I would certainly not get the job here.

"oh okay, well there is plently work around here for you, we have to fire some people as they have lost their 'spark'" He emphasised the word 'spark' with his fingers. My face dropped. So you get fired from here if you start to become ugly ? I kind of don't want this job now.

"your hired"  He smiled and shook my hand.

"oh erm kind off can't start for 2 weeks" I said, hoping he would agree.

"why ?" he asked as he tilted his head.

"I am going to Melbourne with my boyfriend for a week and the week after my bestfriend from England is visiting for a week" I smiled.

"okay, thats fine, take my number and text me when your able to come to work" He got out his phone and got his number out so I got my phone out and typed in his number. We shook hands one last time. I then walked around to find Beau that slutty bitch named Amber had her hands all over him. I wasn't going to cause a scene because I could tell by Beau's face he wasn't interested. I walked over and smiled at her fakely.

"ready babe ?" I said as I gave Amber a dirty look.

"yeah" Beau then grabbed hold of my hand and we walked out of the shop. Before actually leaving the building I turnt round and gave Amber one last evil look, I see her face drop. I couldn't help but laugh.

"BEAU" I shouted as I let go of his arm

"LIV" He replied laughing.

"theres new stuff in Pink" I said as I dragged him towards the shop.

"jesus you and this shop, why didn't you get a job here ?" That made me stop.

"you couldn't of gave me that idea yesterday" I said as I gave him a serious look.

"i'm sure you will get fired from Holister" He said laughing. I slapped his arm and then carried on dragging him towards the shop. I grabbed a basket and started to throw items in. I got to the till and got my Pink gift card out.

"that was $80 you still have $120 on your card" she handed it back and smiled. I put the card back in the slot and grabbed my bags. I got a couple more bikinis and some more tops and shorts. When we left me and Beau went back to mine so I could put the bags down. We then went to my bedroom. Beau layed on my bed whilst I finished off packing. After we layed on the bed and snuggled.

Beau had to go about half an hour later because he promised the boys he would spend time with them. I sometimes felt like I was getting in the way of the boys so I made sure Beau spent lots of time with them even no he wanted to just stay with me all the time.


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