chapter 18

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It was now half 2. It was time to go meet my dad at the airport so I called a cab to pick me and Grace up. When the cab arrived me and Grace darted to the vehicle. We both sat in the back. The airport was 20 minutes away and dads flight was meant to land in about half an hour.

When we got to the airport we made our way over to gate number 5. I checked my phone to check the time. It was 5 to 3. I then noticed I had a few texts.

from mum- 'hope you got to the airport safely. Make sure you text me when you are all on your way back xx'

to mum- Yes, Will do xxx

I then looked at my other texts.

from Beau- Hello beautiful, Did you get an okay from your mum about Melbourne ? xxx

to Beau- she said she will ask my dad, I'm sure he will be okay with it though xxx

from Beau- Okay, I hope you can come xxx Is your dad here yet ? xxxx

to Beau- Not yet, at the airport waiting for him now xxx speak later, love you xx

from Beau- okay, Love you more xxx

I loved mine and Beau's conversations, even if they were just texts. I then was about to put my phone down when I got one last text. It was from Dad.

from dad- Why are you at gate 5 ? xxx

to dad- what do you mean ? xxx

from dad- im at gate 6 xxx

I turn round to see my dad standing there. How stupid of me, I was at the wrong gate. Me and Grace ran over to him. It was as if we hadn't seen him in a year. I had a little tear in my eye but I knew if my dad see me crying he would cry too so I tried to hold it in.

"Wow, aren't you both tanned" he laughed. "I hope I catch a nice tan while i'm here"  He laughed harder.

"come on lets get back to the house. Wait till you see how big it is" I said whilst starting to walk off. I turned round to see my dad and sister still standing there. "come on guys, what are you waiting for ?" they both just laughed.

"Liv, I need to get my luggage you fucking dopey sod" I then turned round to follow them to the luggage pick up bit. After dad got his luggage we then left. It was lovely and hot out.

When we got home my dad stopped outside the house and looked the house up and down. "fucking hell this is a big house, I bet you have loads of parties here liv"

"No, I actually don't have many friends here" I said as I jiggled the keys into the keyhole.

"She has a boyfriend though" Grace said whilst laughing. I turned round to see my dads face. He was smiling.

"You no them boys I like from youtube?, The Janoskians"

"yeah, the australlian ones"

"yeah they live next door" I said whilst pointing towards their house.

"Well thats a bloody coincidence, So which one are you dating ?" he said as he jerked his head back to me.

"Beau, The one I always talk about" I said whilst grinning.

"I'm happy for you Liv" he said as we walked into the house.

My dad looked around. I could tell he was amazed at the size of the house. My mum came out from the kitchen and hugged my dad. They wasn't together but they were good friends which was good for me and Grace.

"Liv, why don't you show dad to his room" She said as she released him from a hug.

"yeah okay, come on then dad" I said as I tried to pull his suitcase up the stairs. He then took it from my hand and carried it up. His room was on the top floor so it was a bit of a treck. I have actually never really been up here other than once when me and Grace watched a film in the cosy room. I then gave my dad a tour of the house. He was amazed at it. He then went and sat in the garden with my mum and sister. I stayed in my room and skyped Chloe.

"Hey, I can't fucking wait to visit you" she screamed.

"Your more excited to see Jai" I said whilst laughing like a loon.

"true, but I have missed you loads" She said whilst letting out a little laugh.

" I have to go now, My dads here" I said whilst sticking my bottom lip.

"okay, I miss you already" she said as she stuck out her bottom lip aswell.

I went down to the garden to find my mum, dad and sister laughing. As soon as they see me they stopped. I looked over and gave them a 'what are you laughing at' look. No one gave me an answer maybe because they didn't understand my look.

"what are you laughing at ?" I said whilst crossing my arms.

"your mums telling me about your driving lesson you had today" He said whilst laugihng again. They all were laughing again so I let out a little laugh also. I sat down with them and we just talked about what we have been up to out here. Before we knew it, It started to get dark and a bit chilly so we all went in and sat in the living room. We had ordered some Chinease so we all sat down and tucked in.

When it got to 11pm We all went to bed. I checked my phone but nothing much. I checked my twitter. Nothing really was happening. I was thinking off giving Grace my fan account and I just use my usual account from now on. I couldn't really be a crazy fangirl if I was now bestfriends with the boys and Beaus girlfriend. I went and sat in Graces bedroom with her.

"Grace, do you want my fan account ?" I said as I crawled into bed with her.

"yeah okay, but what about you ?" She said as she got out her phone.

"i'm going to use my normal account from now on, I can't really stalk the boys anymore now I am practically part of their little family"

"okay, can you log me into it then" I took her phone from here and then logged in. I then text Beau letting him know that Grace now had my fan account. I then had 5/5 follows straight away on my normal account and a bunch of follows from other people.

I then was on my way back to my room when I see a light flicker downstairs. I walked down to find my dad on the sofa watching a film. I sat myself on the other end of the sofa and joined in.

"cant sleep ?" I asked.

"nope, I slept on the plane so i'm not actually tired" He replied. "you?" he added.

"I was just sitting in Graces room talking to her" I smiled and then layed myself out across the sofa.

After the film finished it was 1:05am. I let out a small yawn then walked over to my dad and gave him a goodnight kiss. We both was tired so he went to his bed aswell.

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