chapter 14

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it was now half 8. I had caught a nice, real tan. I went up and done my hair and makeup then put on my outfit I walked down the stairs slowly because I was wearing heels. Half way down the stairs I just took them off and ran down the rest. I left my shoes by the door.

"you look beautiful liv, let me take a picture" mum demanded.

"mum ... seriously ..." I moaned.

"yes seriously now stand by the door and I will go get my camera" she then rushed into the kitchen and got her camera. "come on put on them heels" she said. After taking like a million different pictures it was 5 to 9. I was so excited to leave the house. I still can not get over the fact that i live next door to the Janoskians and now going out to a party with them.

I looked out my window to see Beau waiting for me. I opened the door grabbed my bag and walked towards him. He greeted me with a hug and a smile. "you look beautiful" he said.

"thankyou, you look good too" I replied. He was wearing black low waisted jeans, a white shirt and black vans. He looked so dreamy. "the boys are meeting us there" he said as he opened the car door for me. When we arrived at the party it was in another huge mansion like house. I looked at beau and smiled. "this is Ronnies house, he always throws massive parties" Beau announced. We then walked up to the gate. Beau rung the bell and Ronnie greeted him at the door. "whats up my brother" he shouted as hi bro hugged Beau. "so whos this then Beau" I stood there at the door looking awkward. "this is Liv, our new neighbour shes a fan and my date to this party" he looked over at me and winked. I blushed a little. "come on in then Liv" Ronnie requested. The party was loud, there was people everywhere. Daniel came over and greeted me along with jai, luke and james.

"so you must be the neighbour then" said jai.

"yeah" I replied.

"awesome, Beaus told us a lot about you" He smiled then walked off.

I can't believe I am standing in the middle of the Janoskians. I am seriously the luckiest girl in the world at the moment.

"want a drink?" Beau asked.

"sure, I will come with you" I then followed Beau into the kitchen.

"Anything you want ?" he asked.

"I will just have coke, thanks" I replied.

"nothing alcoholic?" he laughed.

"maybe later, but I shouldn't not after last time" I said as I thought of what happened one time.

"what happened last time" he laughed.

" thats the problem I don't remember" I chuckled.

"I will look after you, dont worry" He then grabbed my hands and took me into the garden. We sat down at a table outside and just spoke about ourselves. He seemed so interested in my life which I found funny because its actually not that interesting. I then got bored talking about myself so I changed subject. After talking for a while we went back inside to the front room where the other boys were. We danced for a bit then went for a re fill on drinks. This time I went for something alcholic, just so if I did do something embarrising I could blame it on the alcohol. After the one drink I kept going for more and more. By the end of the night me and beau were completely drunk. There was no way he was driving so we walked home with the boys. I had to take my shoes off to walk home because I could feel myself falling. I trood on glass at one point and blood was gushing out of my foot. Beau ended up carrying me home. The boys then walked on and then it was just me and Beau. He then pushed me against a wall and kissed me. It was the best night of my life.

"wanna come back to mine?" he asked.

"yeah okay" I replied.

We struggled getting back and fell over a couple of times. He reached into his pockets and tried to find his key. After searching for 3 minutes he finally found it. He then struggled to get it into the door which took him another 2 minutes. When we got inside we went into the kitchen. Beau tried to find the first aid kit because my foot was still bleeding. He got out some plasters and placed it onto the cut. After we went to his bedroom. It was cold because he had left the window open. He then gave me a look I wasn't so sure what the look meant but I just went along with it. He sat me on the bed and kissed me again.

*the next morning*

I woke up next to Beau Brooks. I didn't did I. I did not loose my virginity to Beau Brooks. I looked over to see our clothes on the floor in a massive pile. I got up and put back on my clothes. "morning" I heard Beau say. "morning" I replied. It was one of thoose awkward moments. "you off so soon ?" He asked. "no, I was just putting on my clothes" I replied. He then sat up in his bed and tapped the side I was sleeping on to tell me to get back in. I crawled back in and looked at him. He put his arm round me and pulled me towards his chest. He kissed me on the top of my head and then stroked my arm. I was really badly hung over so I wasn't feeling so great. "i got to go, I have got the worst hang over ever" I said as I stood back up. "let me walk you to the door" he demanded. When we got to the door we kissed one last time. I then walked up the path and to my house. I knocked on the door gentely just incase my mum was still asleep.

My sister opened the door. "where have you been ?" she asked. "out" i replied. I then ran up to my room and put on my pjs. I shoved my hair up in a knot then washed my makeup off my face. I then went downstairs to eat something. I smelt  like coke and vodka. After eating my cereal I made my mum tea and toast then took it up to her room.

"morning mum, heres some tea and toast" I said.

"aww thanks liv, how was last night, I noticed you never come back home" She said giving me that look. I hope that wasn't her telling me that she knew what I was up to last night.

"erm yeah, sorry" I said.

"Its fine as long as he used protection" She said. OMG she did know what I was doing. Now it was awkward. I can't beleive she said that. I was hoping she thought something different. I then just smiled at her and walked out the room. I then went back to my room. I skyped Chloe and told her everything even my mums little comment. We then both fan girled for ages.

"wait ... so are you like an item then now?" she asked.

"no, I don't think so" I replied.

I then went outside still on skype to Chloe and sat on the sun bathing chair. It was raining in England like usual.

"it looks so nice out there" She said whilst sticking out her bottom lip.

"it is. I love it here, you have to come visit" I suggested.

"deffiantly" She agreeed.

It was starting to get hotter so I ended the skype call with chloe and got into the pool with Grace. I loved hanging out with my sister some times. Even though I was 5 years older than her we had a close bond.

"hey Grace, do you wanna go up the mall with me ?" I suggested.

"yeah okay" She responded.

We then got dressed and headed out. I wore my converse and a playsuit. It was so hot outside. We grabbed some money then walked outside the house. We then started to walk towards the town when all of a sudden a car pulled up. My sister had no clue who lived next door to us so she seemed really confused when she see Beau and Daniel in the car. "hey Liv" he said. I could tell Grace knew who it was she looked at me then looked back at the boys. "is that ..." Before she finished her sentence I butted in and said yes. "OMG" she shouted. She then started to fan girl. "Hi Grace" Beau said. "HE KNOWS MY NAME" she shouted. Me and Beau looked at each other and laughed. "where you two going ?" he asked. "were going to go to the mall, what about you?" I asked. "To Ronnies to get my car" Said Beau. "wanna lift ?" asked Daniel. "yeah sure, if thats alright with you" I replied. "we will go get Beaus car first then he can drop you to the mall" Suggested Daniel. We pulled up outside Ronnies house. Beau ran in and got his car keys. Me and Grace then got out of Skips car then got into Beaus car. Skip drove of fast down the road. Beau reversed slowly out of the car. He was driving safely because Grace was in the car. He then dropped us off outside the mall. He couldn't come because fans would just mob him and he didn't want me and Grace caught up into it.

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