chapter 23

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When we got home, me and Beau sat on the sofa and watched movies. I can't believe I got kicked out from a job I only had for like 4 hours. Me and Beau laughed about it though which made me feel a bit better. 

It was now 4pm. My mum should be home in an hour. I should really start getting for Melbourne. I got out my phone and put on the notes app. I started to jot down what I needed to pack and what I needed to buy. Beau was still watching the movies but decided to rest his head on my shoulder. It was really cute. I kissed the top of his head then scruffed up his hair. He let out a moan, he hated having messy hair but I thought it looked cute. He then messed up my hair. We then annoyed each other for a good 5 minutes. After messing about I got back to doing my list.

"I love you" Beau said as he sat up.

"I love you too" I said.

We then snuggled back up and watched another movie. He loved to watch chick flicks. We ended up watching spring breakers. It was a chick flick and crime film all in one. When my mum had got home the film had already finished. Beau was asleep and I was in the kitchen making tea.

"hiya hun, your home early from work, how was it" She said as she put her bag on the work top.

"tea ?" I said trying to avoid her question.

"please, then you can tell me about work" She smiled.

"yeah okay" I replied. I have to tell her someday.

"Beau looks exhausted, Wheres your father ?" She said as she looked over at Beau fast asleep on the sofa.

"I don't know actually. I think he said he was going to look at the shops around here" I handed mum her tea and we sat down at the dining table.

"so how was work ?" mum said as she got herself comfy. And so she should get comfy because she was in for a shock.

"started off great, then at lunch my boss came in and told me she was firing me because there wasn't enough work for all of us" I said as I looked into my lap.

"Thats awful, sorry to hear baby. She should of know before hiring you" Mum said as she gave me her hand. "what did you say to that ?" she then asked.

"well she said she will pay me for the month and I could work there till the end of the day, so I agreed and carried on working" I explained.

"well your hear early, so what happened" she said as she gave me the eyebrow.

"A customer was rude to me so I gave her some tips on wearing a longer skirt" I started but was interupted by mum laughing. "anyway I then walked out" I finished.

"what did you say to this customer ?" she asked.

"erm well ... I called her a slut then told her I could see her vagina because her skirt was so short" I then laughed as I replayed the scene in my head.  Me and mum both started to crack up. When all of a sudden the door bell went.

It was dad, he had several bags in his hands, he entered the living room and put them on the floor. He looked sun burnt and tired. Beau had woken up when he heard the door bell go. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Liv will you go pick Grace up from school for me, Its a 10 minute walk, I usually pick her up on Mondays because I leave work early on a monday" Mum requested. I was still in my work clothes.

"yeah sure" I agreed as I put back on my heels. Maybe I should run up and get my black vans on. But then it would look tacky with the smart clothing.

"I will come" Beau agreed.

"but what about the fans ?" I asked.

"dont worry about that" He assured me. He put on his shoes and we set off. It was nice weather outside.

"have you started to pack for Melbourne ?" Beau asked as he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Nope, gonna do that tomorrow since I dont have a day job anymore" We both laughed.

"I will do the same, Jai has already started but Luke won't do it untill like a couple of days before we leave" I laughed. Typical Luke, he leaves everything up untill last minute.

We approached the school gates, It was a big school, bigger than the high schools in England. We stood outside and waited for Grace. A couple of girls notcied Beau and asked for selfies. I was happy to take the pictures for them. After that Grace finally walked up to us.

"Liv, wheres mum ?" she said in a panic.

"At home, she asked me to pick you up, why ?" I asked concern.

"I am in trouble at school and they want mum to come in, and I told the teacher that she would be waiting for me outside like she does every monday" She said as she got herself worked up.

"I will pretend to be mum, just calm down" I said as I grabbed her by the shoulders.

"thanks Liv, your a life saver" She smiled and grabbed my hand. She had hold of Beau's hand too so she was in the middle of us.

We walked into the large school, people still recognising Beau. Grace dragged him along so he wasn't able to stop. We then stopped infront off a classroom. Grace knocked on the door twice the opened it. A middle aged, brunette woman was sat at a wooden desk up the front. She stood up and pulled three chairs up infront off her desk. We walked over and shook her hand. Grace sat in the middle.

"so do you know why I have called you in?" she said as she sat herself up in her chair.

"No" I replied.

"Grace is in a lot of trouble" She said as she looked at Grace. I looked at Grace as well. She was staring into her lap twidiling her thumbs. I then looked at Beau to find him smirking. I could tell he wanted to laugh.

"do you find this a laughing matter, sir" She asked as she looked over at Beau. I then wanted to laugh because she believed she we were Graces parents. I mean Beau is a celebrity who is well known around here and I am just a 17 year old girl.

"No, I am sorry" He giggled.

"Could you control your husband ?" she said as she looked at me. I then wanted to laugh.

"I can see where Grace gets her behaviour from" She said as she crossed her arms. I then stopped and put on my serious face.

"I am sorry, what has Grace done ?" I then asked.

"she has been a distraction in class finding everything I say funny" I tried to contain my laughing. "but I see why she is like this ... young parents like you two are clearly raising her the wrong way" My face then dropped.

"We do a fabulous job of raising her actually, I don't think you realise how ridiculous you sound right now" Beau said as he pretended to be a serious parent.

"Grace is excluded for a week. Sign these papers and get out" She said as she handed over some papers. I signed them and we all stood up.

"you have to sign Grace in next week at the office, see you then" Grace nodded and we all walked out. When we got back outside we all burst out laughing.

"we make good, fake parents" Beau said as he tried to catch a breath.

"we do don't we, my immiture husband" I enthused the word 'husband'.

I swore that I would keep it a secret from mum. Grace would just have to stay with me all week untill mum got home from work.

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