chapter 40

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We was up and ready for the radio interview at Capital with Max. Capital radio station was the best when I lived here in England. Capital was in Leicster Square where all the movie premiers are held. I always loved to come here when I lived here because of there was always events happening. After the interview we headed over towards where all the fans was around the fountin and monuements. Security lined the girls up and each girl got a photo with the boys. After about 4 hours we then headed back to our hotel where more fans were. We was escorted to our rooms then around 9pm the boys went down and visited some of the fans.

On the tuesday the boys done some modeling for the I <3 Pop magazine. Which was a magazine filled with all the celebritys that girls love.That took around 3 hours. I just helped out around the set.

On the wednesday it was the photo shoot that I was involved in. I was just one of those pretty faces somewhere in the background. In one photo it was just me and Beau. Which was actually the cutest picture ever.

Finally it was thursday and we met up with Chloe. Jai was so happy to see here. Jai went back to hers to get the last of her bits since she will be coming home to LA with us. She wanted to introduce him to the family and spend some alone time with him. Me and Beau visited my mums family since we was near by. Everyone was round my aunties house for a BBQ. Beau was slightly nervous but he fitted in well. Around 9pm we then got a cab to my dads. James, Luke and Daniel stayed in the hotel. Dad was happy to see me and even more happier to see Beau. We stayed over the night and then next day Beau met my dads family.

Dad was having a BBQ also with all his family around. Everyone liked Beau and told me how perfect he was for me.

"Wow your british people sure do love your BBQs" Beau said as he took a bite into his burger.

"yep, especially when its sunny" I said as I started to laugh.

"second BBQ in two days, I think I might turn vegeterian after" Beau joked. We both ended up laughing like idiots which made my family think we was weird. Everyone was so pleased to see me and kept saying about how much I had grown up since they last saw me. After a long day we said our goodbyes then got the train back up to Leicster. Because it was late there wasn't any fans so it was safe to take public transport without getting mobbed.

"Wheres Chloe ?" I asked Jai as we walked into the hotel room.

"She is meeting us at the airport in the morning, she wants to say her last goodbyes to her family tonight" Jai explained.

"Did her family like you ?" I asked as I sat next to him on his bed.

"suprisingly yes, they said that they trust me to look after her and that I am a handsome young man" Jai giggled. He had the cutest little laugh ever.

"important question, is all her stuff on its way to LA ?" I asked as I looked around the room.

"yes and should be there by the time we get home, Ronnie is there getting all the stuff in"

"good good" I said as I stood up and finished starting to pack.

The next morning we was up early, when we got the the airport the boys went through to customs and to the VIP lounge so the aiport wouldn't get mobbed by fans. I waited around for Chloe.

"Liv" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned round to see Chloe with her suitcase and with one of our school friends Libby.

"OMG Liv, you look so different !" Libby said as she gave me a hug.

"thankyou and so do you" I said smiling. Me, Chloe and Libby all then went to starbucks for a catch up.

"Libby I want to tell you a secret but you promise not to tell no one" Chloe started. Libby stuck out her pinky and pinky promised to keep the secret a secret.

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