A book for teens that want to live healthier, happier etc. These are some tips that've helped me in the past and maybe are able to help you too! This book ranges from all sorts of things like short workouts you can do at home to things you can do wh...
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↣ put on music and dance like crazy/make videos
↣ built a fort w/ lots of pillows + blankets
↣ watch movies
↣ do challenges
↣ have a mini photo-shoot
↣ pamper yourselves
↣ buy snacks
↣ play board games
↣ go shopping
↣ bake/cook
↣ diy something
thanks for reading the fifth chapter of my self-care handbook. comment down below if you enjoy doing any of these with your friends or if you have some things you do with your friends at a sleepover, comment questions/advice for other people and lastly tell me what tips you would like to see in the future! disclaimers: i am not saying you must do these at a sleepover, these are just ideas if you get bored. there are more things you could do, these are just things that me and my friends would do and not everyone will enjoy doing them. have a good day/night :)