A book for teens that want to live healthier, happier etc. These are some tips that've helped me in the past and maybe are able to help you too! This book ranges from all sorts of things like short workouts you can do at home to things you can do wh...
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↣ oily skin :
half of a ripe avocado
soak 1/2 cup of dry oats in water at room temp for 5 mins
rinse off with warm water after 10 mins
↣ skin with acne :
a whole cucumber mushed with water drained
tablespoon of sugar
wash off with cold water after 10 mins
↣ skin w/ uneven skin tones :
1/2 cup of mushed papaya
blend with 2 tablespoons of honey
clean face after 15 mins
↣ any skin :
1 egg white
tablespoon of honey
light squeeze of lemon
wash face after 10 mins
hope y'all enjoyed my first chapter of this book! some of these face masks have personally helped me so i'm hoping they'll help you too. i'm not trying to say that you have bad skin and that you need to get rid of it so please don't get offended. everyone's skin is beautiful. comment down below if you have any face mask recipes or any self-care tips that've worked well for you. have a nice day/night :)