Fierce Deity's Mask

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You got the Fierce Deity's mask!!!~

You looked up and down the large handsome stranger, that stood before you in Termina field. He did the same with his serious white eyes. You poked his armour and he grabbed your hand. "Don't. For someone I just met you're quite annoying.", he said in his annoyance, as he put your hand down. You looked up, eyes widened as he told you something that was intriguing, "So to start introductions....I am the Fierce Deity Link. But you may just call me Link. Who're you young ma'am?".

"I-I'm (y/n). Gosh you're tall and handsome!", you blurted out. You quickly put your hands over your mouth, gasping at what you had done. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud! I'm sorry if I off-", you were cut off by a large finger on your lips. "It's all right. I'm quite flattered. I would be a pleasure if we became companions, and got to know each other. What do you say?", he asked with his deep monotonous voice, which sounded like it had a twinge of happiness. You fumbled around and twiddled you thumbs. A tall, handsome, polite stranger wanted to be friends with you? A normal girl from Termina? Well you weren't completely normal, as you were related to Romani. Who was quite strange.

You blushed and contemplated the question, before finally coming to a conclusion. "I accept. My tall friend. Let's go ahead and get to know each other Link!", you replied cheerfully. Link slowly nodded his head, and took your arm. He walked ahead of you as, you were partially dragged behind, talking random banter. You quickly learned he was an immortal spirit who was originally trapped in a mask. But now he has a (still immortal) human body to roam freely in. You explained your simi-boring life, yet smiled all the way.

A small smile graced his features and his eyes softened, as both of you arrived at Romani Ranch. "I guess. I'll see you tomorrow then (y/n)?", he asked once again monotonous. You nodded, while waving goodbye to your new friend. He waved also and stood there, waiting for you to enter your home. "See ya later!!!", you called, before entering the house where your two sisters stayed. Once you were gone, Link walked back to his cottage, quite happy for making a friend. Maybe more later.

(Yus! This needed to be made! No one I have I seen really made any one-shots with him, except VampireGodessNyx. Thank you for making them ma'am!!! You're awesome! Hopefully you didn't just get confused. You randomly just ran into him. No questions asked. I own nothing but this drabble set. Bye! ~ Strife.)

Masks (Fierce Deity Link x Reader) one-shots (ON LONG HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now