Postman's Cap

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You got the Postman's Cap! ~

You woke up bright and early in the morning, to take care of the cuccos and cows with your sisters. But first, time to check the postbox. You groggily walked over to it, taking out all mail and any mail. "Junk, junk, j- Wait! Could it be... It is!", you yelled happily, as you took out a letter from your large male friend. Your sisters heard you screams of happiness, and ran from the barn, concerned for your mental health.

"(y/n)! What is it?!", they asked worriedly. You looked at them with a stupid smile on your face, and said nothing but, dreamily sighed. They looked at each other, then grinned, suspecting something. "Sister, who is it that wrote to you? A secret admirer?", they guessed, smirking. You snapped out of your trance, but still smiled. "No. But he's a really good friend of mine. His name is FD Link. This is so kind of him.", you explained, clutching the letter to your bosom. They ripped it from you, and read it out aloud.

'Dear (y/n)...

I understand we're on good terms but, it would be nice for you to visit more often. If you are very busy though, I would oblige to help you and spend some time with my good friend. I hope you will consider. To my only, and most wonderful friend.... Sincerely,

~ Fierce Deity Link.'

They re-read it multiple times, then screamed in happiness. Their screams were so loud, they almost blew out your ear drums. "W-what? What's with that reaction?!" , you yell-asked as you could barely hear now. "Oh my gosh! He's asking you out on a date! We know it!", they screeched even louder. Your eyes widened, and you began to feel all hot. You rubbed your arm, for comfort and shivered slightly. You didn't get that from his short but, sweet letter. It probably was true though. You two had been friends for a few months now, and you would regularly visit, when you had the time.

He was sweet but serious, and little too non-expressive. It still worked as a friendship, because he would send small smiles your way, and laugh heartily at your jokes. He was fun to be around, but he scared you sometimes. He was tall and large, being quite intimidating. Your curiosity kept you around him, and it made everything better, and stronger. You wouldn't admit this though. It was...too embarrassing.

Your sisters looked at you, as your blush darkened, and you shivered. They ushered your stiff form into your bedroom, sitting you down at your desk. "Come on sis! Write back, say yes!", they urged you. You reached out for a quill and parchment, setting them down on the desk. "W-what do I write though?", you asked warily, nervous to tell him anything. "Say, 'Yes I would love to go on a date with you!'. It's that simple!", yelled, blasting out your ear drums again. You scowled and started to write. Except you wrote something completely different.

'Dear Link....

I do understand, and I would love for you to come over sometime. But I want to come over myself, in a few days time to tell you something, important and private. I do hope and wish you would accept. To my dearest and hearty friend....Love,

~ (y/n)'

Your sisters read your letter, after you finished it, making sure it would work. They put it down, looked to you and squealed. "It's so gonna work sis! You two are gonna fall in love and we're gonna have nieces and nephews-". You stopped them at the mention of children. "Whoa, whoa! Hold it there for a sec! I'm not gonna immediately have sex with him. Get real and get your heads out of fantasy land!", you spoke out, being serious. They stopped and looked sheepish. "Well we're sorry. It's just that we're so excited for you to get a boyfriend! I mean come on it's amazing, isn't it?!", they made a point. You sighed, "I guess. But if he says yes, and you two push me into that....I will find a way to not be related to you anymore!". They sighed sadly, as they walked out your door. You then exited yourself, slipping your letter into the postbox. You only wondered when he would answer.

(It's so fluffy!!!!! Cutest thing I ever wrote. Dang, Romani and Cremia! You can't push you're sister into making love! Sheesh! I hope you enjoyed! Please I need more reads on this! Bye! ~ Strife)

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