The Stone Mask

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You got the Stone Mask! ~

You and Link walked to Ikana Canyon, seeking adventure. Well he told you there might be something good there. You looked up and saw a lone dead tree, then pointed to it. "Hey look! Do you think that might lead to something?", you asked, trying to get his attention. He only stared at his map, completely ignoring you. "Hmm. I've been here before and I'm still not sure what direction we need to go in, though.", he spoke to himself, scratching his head. He walked forward, leaving you behind.

"Hey wait! Why are you leaving me?! What's going on?!", you screamed, chasing after him. Tatl then flew out of his hat, and bonked him repeatedly in the head. "Hey! What's wrong with you?! Leaving your girlfriend behind?!", she yelled at him, trying to get him acknowledge you. "Hmm. Tatl, (y/n) didn't some along, she stayed at the Ranch. She said she wanted to come but, she didn't so I left without her.", Link explained, rolling up the map and putting it back into his bag. "No you idiot! She's right behind you!! She's must've accidentally put in the Stone mask!", she bonked him again, finally getting his attention.

"Maybe. Or she really doesn't like me at all.", he sadly said, before trudging off again. Tatl sighed, then flew over to you, jingling around you. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have given that to you. I thought it would be nice, to sometimes ignore that beef head. But I guess I was wrong. He just flat out ignored you. I'm such a terrible friend.", she sobbed into your shoulder, you softly patting her. "It's okay. I'll just take it off then. It was sweet of you to give me this as a present though. Thank you.", you took off the mask, then ran forward.

"Catch up soon, okay!", you shouted, gaining speed. Tatl inwardly smiled, then took off fluttering towards Ikana Graveyard. Once you two arrived, Link was sitting on a broken tombstone, looking down. It looked like it hurt to sit on that thing. You and Tatl looked at each other, before approaching him. "Hey, are you alright? You don't look so happy.", you asked softly, as you shook his shoulder. He looked up and smiled, also revealing tear stains on his face. You frowned, and sat down next to him.

"Are you sure you were alright? You seem to have been crying.", you said, rubbing his arm. His face scrunched up in annoyance, and he turned away from you. "Humph! Says the woman who ditched me.", he replied, crossing his arms and legs. Tatl sighed and bonked him in the head again, "You stubborn, oblivious idiot! She's been with you the whole entire time! She's just been wearing the Stone Mask I gave her! Don't be mad at her, be mad at me!". Link turned around, and his face softened. He hugged you, and didn't let go for some time. This ultimately surprised you, he's showing more and more emotions, and they seemed to be really strong.

"I'm sorry. I guess I am an idiot, being so stubborn.", he apologized, in a soft voice. You smiled, and hugged him back. "Hey guys! Can I get some action?", Tatl asked, flittering up to your heads. You both smiled and let her in the hug. She almost got squished but, she was just fine. "So are we good now?", Link broke the pleasant silence, making it an awkward one. "Uh yeah. I guess?" Today was very weird, but I guess it ended up well.

(Okay this wasn't my best work but, I tried. ^~^;\ Well I hope you enjoy anyways, Bye! ~ Strife)

Masks (Fierce Deity Link x Reader) one-shots (ON LONG HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now