Keaton's Mask

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You got the Keaton's mask!~

On the way to your large friend's house, you spied something yellow. What could that be other than a gold rupee? Well you decided to find out, and probably strike it rich. Unfortunately for you it was none other than the mythical Keaton. It jumped out in surprise, and recoiled in shock. "A-a human? It found me?! Oh noooo!!! It's not my time! I'm all out of heart pieces! Darn that kid in green!", it shrieked. You sweatdropped at it's overreaction, and grew mad at it calling you an it.

You leaned down and poked it furry side, hoping to calm it down. "Excuse me? I'm sorry to disturb you but...what kind of relation is that?", you asked. Keaton looked at you in disgust and smacked you in the face with it's tails. "The it called me stupid! How dare you?!", it screeched, while you rubbed your now red face. "H-hey! I said I was sorry! Sheesh!". As it was about to slap you again, it stopped and slowly started to slink away. You looked at it questioningly and turned around. Link was there, looming over the Pikachu wanna-be.

"Oh hey... Wait? Why are you here?", you asked, at first not registering he was there. He chuckled at your words, which made you go bright red. His laugh was contagious, it was deep and rumbling, it easily made you laugh with him. You didn't turn bright red from stopping yourself from laughing though, oh no. You thought it, to put it bluntly. It seemed to be a slight sense of arousal for you at times, and now was one of them. He stared at and tilted his head in confusion at your reaction. 'Gosh dangit! Why does that make him look so adorable. Doesn't help he's super freakin' hot. Don't think that (y/n)!', you thought, fighting yourself inwardly.

He helped you up, while still having a giggle or two. "D-don't laugh at me! That..stupid Keaton, attacked me!", you lied, when it was completely obvious that it wasn't true. He rolled his eyes and offered a piggy-back ride. "You want to? I heard they were fun.", he coaxed, ready to pick you up anyway. You blushed again, still thinking some 'thoughts'. His eyebrows furrowed, incredibly confused by your blushes. He never really knew any females, so he had no idea of what was going on. You quickly snapped out of it and nodded. Link smiled a cheery smile, and lifted you onto his back. You two had so much fun going back to the ranch.

(Pikachu wanna-be :)P *laughs* I swear Keaton looks like freakin' Pikachu! It's not a lie! FD would look adorable tilting his head and smiling. So cute. *drools* Now for something completly different! I no own you no sue! Bye-bye! ~ Strife)

Masks (Fierce Deity Link x Reader) one-shots (ON LONG HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now