field trips to the beach part 1

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Field trip to the beach. And spideychelle.

Peters pov

I was edging on my seat glaring at the time to be able to go home and see mr.Mr. stark. Aunt may had to move to another state for a job and couldn't pay for school anymore so Tony and the avengets took me in. And yes they made up!


The bell rung. I shot up and grabbed my things about to run out when.
"Sit down Mr. Parker. I dismiss you not the bell. " Mr. Miller snarled.
Mr. Miller hated me, but I can't say I'm so hyped about him either.
"Then what's the purpose of the bell then? "He asked aloud to himself for most of the class to hear especially the teacher.
Mr. Miller glared daggers at me and cleared his throat.
"I would like to announce that there's a field trip tommarrow to the beach!" He smiled at the rest of the class. The class started to cheer and talked about what their gonna wear.
"Here are the slips. " he started to pass them out. He made sure to slam the paper on my desk. I rolled my eyes. Who should I let sign the slip? I'll ask ms. Potts. The reason I'm asking miss Potts is because Mr. Miller doesn't care about her nor knows she exists so it won't matter. (No offense miss potts)

Time skip to after school:

"Hello peter" Friday greeted with some emotion.
"Hey fri." I replied taking the elevator to the avengers floor. When I walked in I saw everyone scattered throughout the living room.
Bruce, pepper and tony were talking in the corner of the living room while sam and clint were playing Mario cart. Steve and bucky were cooking. Scott, hope, nat, Wanda and thor were talking on the couch.
"Hey pete!" Tony smiled paying mo attention to pepper and bruce speaking of business. After that the rest of the team cheered hellos.
But then I saw Clint and Tony with shit eating grins.
"Heard you gotta field trip..." tony smirked.
I eyed him suspiciously.
"What's it to you? " I sassed.
"The beach right?" Nat asked.
I nodded.
"Its tommarrow so I should.... pack my swim suit." I said trying to get away.
"Oh, actually I got you a swim suit." Tony smirked when more. (If that was possible.)

Time skip~~~

"Alright students! On the bus!" Mr. Miller ordered.
I grabbed my duffle bag with my new swim suit. When tony gave me the outfit I wanted to argue but he made me wear it. I groaned in annoyance as me and mj sat in the bus. /ned couldn't come/

" loser lighten up!" Mj smirked.

Funny how she calls me loser when we're dating. /p.s tony doesn't know he has a girlfriend. /
I sighed.
"Alright I'll try to enjoy it." I promised.

"Don't fret parker. We'll make this trip fun." Mj said rapping an arm around my shoulder.

I heard flash and his goons cracking up.

"Yo penis! Stark finally fire you? Oh wait you don't have an internship!"

Mj scoffed.
"Everyone hope eugene didn't bring a swim suit, we're already blind from seeing your ugly ass everyday." Mj snapped.
"Oooh " someone said.

Flash turned red.
"Whatever your not worth my time." He said.
"You ain't worth shit." She sassed.
The whole bus roared with.
"Miss Jones, leave flash alone." Mr. Miller said.
Mr. Miller calls flash his nickname because he likes that he bullies me.

"Thanks mj." I thanked her.
She smiled.
"No problem loser. "

Time skip~~~

We finally made it to the beach. Everyone shoved eachother out dashing to the changing rooms.
Mr.miller glared at me with a smirk and tapped my shoulder.

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