The City With No Time

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"The city with no time? Who the hell runs this place?" "Well first things first partner!, Howdy im Sheriff Tannin of Texas!" "Dip shit i didn't ask for your back story i said who runs the place?" "That would be our ruler Gingas Kan!" Sheriff Tannin replied. "Gingas Kan! Like the Mongolian leader?" "What in the root'n toot'n hell is a Mongolian!" "An asian empire" "Never heard of them in my life!" Josh looked around as there were many different people of different races and genders dressed up in clothing of different time periods. "Taking LSD i see Josh" "LSD what partner!" "Wait what time are you from Tannin?!?" "Well im from Texas in 1889!" "Would explain the western accent" Then as Tannin and Josh were talking the dreaded time police spotted them. "Halt right there Tannin!" "Sorry police I'm just greet'n a new face here in this fine establishment!, right partner?" As Tannin turned around he spotted Josh running away. Josh was running and telling himself this isn't real and that he overdosed on drugs even though he doesn't do drugs. " 是那樣的母親?" "Well lad that man is a new ariva- Ah the devil!" Exclaimed a Australian person responding to a Chinese girl. "What the hell is going on!?! I want to go home!" Shouted Josh. "Kan we got him in our sights" Whispered a sniper on a near by roof. "Take the shot". As kan told the sniper to take the shot he shot Josh with a tranquilizer dart an knocked Josh clean out. "Kan we got him" "Good... Bring him to me." "With pleasure Kan".

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