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Simon's POV

It a good thing that we know exactly where Zayn is.and that Scotland yard is gone to get him back safe and sound for .where David and his men are.and everything if I know form what told don't know what can.happen and everything .

So right now we need to ready for what's going on and everything right now because.we don't want anyone hurt we need safe and everything so let's hope that everything is what we need


Lana POV

I hoping that we can get Zayn back safe and sound before it to late and everything .right now we Scotland Yard on the way to get that carzy ass before it way too late and everything we .need.this to be good because I'm not going to lose my friends and family because of this mad man and everything

Simon : are you okay beautiful

Lana : yes I'm find and everything sounds good and I can't wait to get this shit with David and your ex grilfrind over with and I'm going to be doing my. Best and it a.good thing

Simon : oaky we just got a call form Scotland Yard David men are caught and Zayn free but David got away and we still need to get him before it way to late and everything this morning.

Lana : that good that his men are caught and Zayn safe but how are we going to be catching David now I just don't want him near me at all and I mean it because I know that not going to be safe and everything if you ask me it driving me.up the wall knowing that he still on the lose

That one thing that don't want to forget about and everything it going to be easy and stuff


David POV

Damn it they had to get Zayn out of there and took that not a good thing I'm going to have to try and catch lana because I .want her back and I mean. It I'm not about to be letting her go at all

so the first chance I get I'm going to make sure that I cannot her without Simon knowing cuz once I have her there's no way I am going to let him get her back that easily if I can't have her no one can I know one way or another I am definitely going to make sure that I get what I want nobody crosses my path without me getting what I want yeah I know I'm a crazy man but I do what I want live the way I want and that's just how it is. I'm not even going to be letting the great Simon Cowell. In my way

but until I get my chance to do what I actually want I think I'm going to have to go into hiding and everything and lay low because I don't want you to be out in the open right now because I know that they're going to be looking for me where they have my men and everything like that but I really need to regroup and stuff and hopefully I can catch up to Lauren so me and her can here at exactly what our next move is going to be in everything


Simon's POV

I can tell that my baby is really upset and everything knowing that her ex is still out there knowing what he's going to do next but I think we're all relieved knowing the Zayn is going to be safe but right now we need to really get to the bottom of everything that's going to happen. Because what will her ex next move be I. Just want to get pass that so me and her can get married and move forward with the. Shit we where put thought and stuff

Simon: Lana baby are you oaky

Lana :just praying and hoping that David don't try anything crazy to find me and stuff cuz he might actually try to get me to himself in a raven this time cuz you don't know what it was like when I was with him it was crazy I couldn't move or do anything can I hear a Fresh Start
that I met you and fell in love with you and everything like that I just want to be able to have my life without having to deal with that s***

so right now I can tell that she just wants to be able to move forward and not have to deal with that s*** living that's been coming her way I can understand what you saying he's right I just want to make sure that my baby is going to be okay and she knows I'm here for her through everything and everything was for sure . I should make her sleep and everything that a good idea.

Simon: baby I know you've been going through a lot and everything right now what age does get some rest and everything that you have not been sleeping very well lately. If you need me to lie down that we were will but I'm just going to go and check on you make sure I got Eric went to bed for the night and I'll be back in a minute so you really need to get some sleep

Lana : okay ya your right baby I love you

With that my baby went to bed and that a good thing because I know that she going to be needing

SIMON COWELL I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY SON'S NANNYWhere stories live. Discover now