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Simon's POV

I couldn't believe that my ex wants Lana to be the bring the money but I'm worried about sending her and everything this not a good thing at all

Lana : baby what did your ex say on the phone

Simon : that they want $20,000 but they want you to be the one to bring the money and everything and I'm a bit scared about that because of everything you've been through. And you're not to have any stress this is going to be kind of dangerous are you sure you're up to it but I don't know what to do

Scotland Yard : well will not send Lana herself we will send a cop that can pass for her we will have that Lana in a car and she doing the talking but she will not be where she can be send and everything right now

Lana : that can work

Simon : yes and you will be safer

Scotland yard : if it makes you feel better the car is going to be out of sight and you. Can be there beside her to keep her clam and everything

Simon : that would be great because I don't like idea of not being there

Lana : and I feel the reason that they want me to bring the money is because. David it going to take me and run with him this not a good thing at all

Simon : I get what you mean and I'm not going to be letting that happen

Liam :you and me both Simon I just found out that she my big sister and I'm not about to lose her

George Payne : I just got my.daugther back in my life she should of know about me form the being I'm not about to let her carzy ex try and run off with her

I can tell that Lana is happy she as all of us but we need to see how we are going to be getting are ex's one and for all


Lana POV
We are getting ready to head out and it's a good thing that I'm going to be in a car safe away for David and Simon's with me so is dad and Liam it's good to have my love one here with me and everything right now because I don't think that I can be here all this is not going to be easy

Simon : where here with you baby and we are going to be doing. The best that we can and everything if you are asking me.

Lana : yes I just hope that the Scotland Yard officer that being dress as me is not going to be getting hurt I just want .my baby back home safe and sound and everything right now

Simon : she be okay she has back up and everything and I have a feeling that Lauren is around to we need to get them ones and for all so we can move a head with are family and feel free form everything that there putting us though

That's a good thing because right now we need. To be a step ahead of it all

We watched as David and Lauren wait for me so I keep on talking form the car why the officer went closer to them.dress as me and they can't tell right now and everything like that because we. Don't want me to get hurt and in over my head and everything like that

When the cop got there the others came out and put the hand cuffs on them.and we came out to face them when Scotland Yard gave me back my babies and that made me so happy and everything right now because I have my daughters back safe in my arms

Lana : you guys thought that you would win because of the things you put us through you guys are totally selfish you don't give a damn about the ones there in your family I need you walked out on your son and everything Lauren and I left you David because everything that you where. Putting me thought and stuff back in Canada where I'm form and I'm.happy that I can now move forward and have the life I always what it's time for your drama to be over

David :of course I treat you the way I did your just a gril who grew not knowing her daddy was and everything and so you don't know how men should try and it looks good on you and you will never know your dad because he doesn't want to be in your life

George; that's where you're wrong you see I am her father I just found that out not too long ago because I didn't know that she existed that's why I was on in her life her mother never contacted me because her mother didn't want to burden me with things and everything after I left where I'm at her passing through so yeah I am pushing forward and everything like that no one being there for her cuz I found out that I have daughter yeah I have a family of my own but this was before I had this family so my wife accepts my daughter and everything in our lives so if you're going to be causing problems and saying that I wouldn't give a f*** about my daughter there's another thing coming because I never knew now that I know I'm here for her so if you ever come near her again you're going to know it

When my father said that it took the smile right of my ex's face and everything. It did the same to Lauren as well because that just means she just found out that I am the half-sister Liam Payne so yeah my life is going the way that it should now and I'm back where I need to be with the ones I love and Simon have our babies back safe with us so right now once they are gone to jail and everything we could probably this nightmare behind us and get on with planning our wedding and everything else that needs to be done I'm looking for it just hopefully having what me and my husband to be should have with her family without having to deal with so much drama anymore

SIMON COWELL I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY SON'S NANNYWhere stories live. Discover now