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Simon's POV

Well today the day that we can take the babies home and it's a good and Eric is so happy that's he a big brother and everything .he going. To be there for is 2 brothers and 2 sisters and Lana. Is so beat the Dr told her where the babies came early she needs to be on bed rest for a bit six weeks and take it easy and I'm going to be seeing to it .

That's a good thing because I want my beautiful baby to be rest and everything I'm on top of the world now that. I'm getting my everything I want with my family let's. Just hope that are ex's don't try anything soon

Right now I'm helping Lana get in the wheelchair because. The Dr said she needs to leave in one and. The nurse is helping us get the babies ready to be heading home and everything

Simon: ( helps Lana into the wheelchair) are you good baby

Lana : yes baby I'm find how are babies doing everything set for us to take them home

Simon : yes ans sweet taht went we get home you are going to be letting Eric help name them

Lana : well he is there big brother and we should let him have a say in and make it as a family decision

Simon: one the reason that I'm loving you more and more

With that we left and head home I know that Eric is home with Susan watching him right now .and I can't wait for us to show is brothers and sisters to him again and let him help us name them . Because it's going to be something special for him

Lana : baby when we get home I just want to sleep in are own bed I'm so tried

Simon : baby you never got much sleep in the hospital because we had 4 babies that need to be took care of and everything.its not always easy if you ask me

Lana : ya my mother said she found it hard when she had just me and when I told her that I had more then one I had. Four she said I was going to be having .my hands full

I know that me and my baby are going to have a lot of kids and everything but. At least I can get the help and everything she needs I'm Simon Cowell so of course she going to be getting everything that she needs to get right now


Lana's POV

I was happy to be heading home and everything because I was so tried. Of being in the hospital I just really need some sleep and a nice 🚿and to be in Simon's arms and just relax that's not to much for me what do after putting the babies down. It was not easy giving birth more than one baby I tell you that but I'm glad that I have them

Simon : baby we are home

Lana : good baby I just want to get inside and  let Eric see the babies help us name them and get them down for a nap and go and try and get some sleep as well this is not going to be easy if you are asking me

Simon : yes that's a really good thing because baby you did not get much rest when we where in the hospital and I hope that things. Will get alot better when. We fall into a nice routine and everything soon where we are finally home this is what you need right now to get the rest and stuff

Lana : yes and the next big thing in are lives is going to be are wedding and I can't wait for you to see me in my Dress because you said you want me have the dress I love but. I want you to love as well

Simon : baby I'm going to be loving it no matter what because you are going to be where baby you are beautiful and everything to me that all that matters right now

Lana: you always know what to say

With that we took the babies inside and when we got there Eric ran and hugged me and kiss the babies. Heads that was so sweet and everything


Eric's POV

I was so happy when Daddy and my new mommy Lana came in the house with the babies and everything because I get. To be a big brother and it's hard to believe that I am almost 6 years old and I'm soon going into great one and everything but I am definitely going to be the best big brother I can be

Eric : there so cute what are there names

Lana:well we were thinking that maybe we should let you help us need women everything right now. That would be kind of cute since you are there big brother give you a little bit of say

Eric : that would be nice how about we name the boys Ethan and Elijah I was thinking we can mean that girls Ellen and maybe Elena

Lana : that's sweet. You what them to be having all E names like there big brother don't you

Eric : of course I do cuz I'm awesome

Simon : you have definitely been hanging around Louis Tomlinson too much kiddo we definitely need to make sure everything is cool but yes you are awesome

Lana : your right knee has been hanging around them but if those are the names that our son wants those other names will go with and I also think we should figure out exactly what me to leave for guys to bed

With that I help my mommy and daddy put the babies to bed  ya I'm big brother now and I love it

SIMON COWELL I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY SON'S NANNYWhere stories live. Discover now