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Lana's POV

The grils and I just got finished getting ready and everything I'm going to be heading the chruch and I can't wait for Simon to see me in my beautiful A-line wedding dress Randy did a beautiful job making it and everything all my things and everything went perfectly with the girls dresses are perfect as well for the bridesmaids and everything this is definitely something I'm looking forward to do

I had already told Susan she was maid of honor and that was before I knew about my younger sisters and Ruth and Nicole but there both okay with that I did make bridesmaids  so that was two more just as I had to get at the last minute but I'm happy that I can have all my family here now for my dad my mother came form Canada and everything to live here her and dad and Karen are all getting along well with each other and everything. Just mom was young years ago and she never what to tell Dad because she didn't want to ruin his life but he was glad to find out of a meeting later and everything he told her she told him years ago that he would have been there for her no matter what even if they were just friends he still would've been there in my life and stuff so they're friends again and everything that's that's nice

Who knows maybe. My mother will meet someone soon here in the UK I just .want her to be happy and she. Want the same for me but now. I am it's only a matter of 1 hour now and I'm going to be getting married and I can't wait till Simon see my face before I knew my father I was going to have Eric give me way so I told my dad  I'm going to have him and Eric walk me down the aisle and he thought that was. Sweet because I was still letting Eric do it and I was being traditional by letting my father gave me away as well so that was a good compromise

Susan : you should take a deep breath and everything cuz we could tell that you are so nervous and everything right now just understand that once you get inside that church once you walk down that aisle I want you to Simon everything is going to be totally different you're definitely going to see if the man of your dreams is waiting for you and you finally got everything that you need and want to hear I think we both hit the jackpot I mean not because they're rich  or fame  anything but because of the men they are inside

Lana : I know that what you mean all the other stuff that's nice but I love Simon for who he is. Inside and I love how much you love my little brother we always you feel like sisters and now when you marry my baby brother you are going to be my sister lol

We all laughed at that and it's a good thing that it not going to be happing for while and. Everything yet but it's nice that I'm getting everything I want today but I still wish I knew what honeymoon that Simon as plan he will not give me.a clue


Simon's POV

I can't believe that it's only going to be minutes soon because my. Wife to be will be here in a few. So I know that I can't. See her before the wedding so myself and the guys are heading inside and I know. That this is real and I can't wait

Liam : you oaky it's only a matter of minutes now and my sister is going to be coming down wedding aisle to you and everything is going to change your being married man soon and that is definitely what you need I seen my sister has made you one of the happiest man around and everything your kids also doing makes you feel strong and it's nice to see this new side of you

The guys where right I was always felling like was going. To be alone thigs change a bit when Eric came into my life because I love being a father I just didn't like what Lauren was doing and I'm glad that we don't need to be dealing with that anymore Lana is the one she as gave me 4 beautiful babies and she more of mother to Eric my life is getting better because. Now I'm a man that feeling everything is complete in my life I had everything else but Lana was my missing piece


Lana's POV

When we got the church I saw that my father and Eric where outside waiting for me that means. That Simon Is inside and it's a good thing
BecauseI want to see him have a beautiful reaction to my dress and everything like that I am just so definitely looking forward to walking down to him right now

Father pulled open the door and let me out limo and he was blown away by the dress that I was wearing as well

George:wow when Simon see you in this dress you will have him crying or speechless when you walk down the aisle and everything because I am ready to pass out if I'm just glad that I can be here for your wedding day and everything because I never got to see you grow up in this is a big moment so I'm glad that I could be part of this

Lana : I am too Daddy and that's a good thing

With that I took my dad and Eric hands so they can walk inside the grils went in and took there places and I know that this is it we'll here we go

SIMON COWELL I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY SON'S NANNYWhere stories live. Discover now