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Zayn POV

I can't get over the fact that I was kidnapped but. If they think I'm going to be helping them.get to Simon and Lana and Eric they have another thing coming .and everything

Because right now I'll do anything that I can do be there for my family because Simon been like a uncle to all of us and .I can't let. Him down because he ways. Been her for me. When I need it and that a good thing

So I'm not going to tell these shit anything but. I do hope that Niall heard everything when .I text and called him so .he could tell simon and the others and Scotland yard about it all  .

Just then I heard David and his men talking how he knows .I will not say anything but. I'm just the bait for them to get what he and Lauren want. It seems that there friends.with benefits and everything right now she. Was just with simon because she's want his money and fame and everything that. Was not a good at and when Simon found and caught her .with Tom on sofa that. Was a low bow and truns out that she and tom.wherre just fooling around together know strings attached or anything like that

Great I can't go great today just quote an NSYNC song .ya but there a good band and everything. But I'm stuck here and anything can pop into my head and things like now but I need to get f***** out of here because I'm not about to let this jerk and b**** try to cause trouble for the ones I love again and everything like that so there's no way I'm telling them anything

David:( walks into the room that they're holding Zayn ) I know that you are not going to be saying anything to me because I know .that your type of person is loyal to your friends and everything like that I know you may have left your band at one time but you and the guy still stay close and everything they were loyal when they need you you just said you had things to work out on your own but I don't want they were short if anything happens . Any of them will be on your head for not talking

Zayn : your f****** blow up and go f*** yourself

David : okay have it your way well I'm going to get the message you Simon now to figure out exactly what to do have fun rotting in this room

I thought to myself as a good thing that I did when I did ahead of time let's just hope they can get some leads to where I might be when he has no clue that I have a Tracker said on my phone that they might be able to find me with I ain't that dumb


Liam POV

Both Simon and Lana are a like right now they have no clue where they're going to find Zayn so the Dr as gave them both something to sleep and.  We told Simon that if a call came thought about Zayn we would get him .Lana is blaming herself because it her nut job of a ex boyfriend that she almost got married to and. It a good thing that she did not not that man is nuts and I also know he as tow of them but I would so love to castrate him for then because I tell you one thing he's a f****** crazy

Okay liam you know you're watching a lot of veterinarian shows when you want to castrate somebody. But David is a sicko and I'm going to be happy when Simon and Lana and all of us don't need to be dealing with everything that going on right now


Lana POV

I woke up to the door to mine and Simon room it was liam telling us that David is on the phone and he wants to take to me.and Simon so I told Simon and now where heading to living room let's just hope that we don't need to worry about Zayn to much becasue he like a brother to me and if anything happens to him I'm going to be pissed at David and his men for sure.


Simon's POV

to the living room with my baby and I can tell that she's pretty shaken up about everything because of the fact that we have to talk to her crazy ex and everything right now to figure out exactly how we're going to get Zayn  back safe and sound

Simon : ( on the phone) okay I'm hear what do you want and is Zayn oaky

David : herre you can speak to. Him and know that he find

Zayn: gets on the phone) I'm finally Simon

David : there you heard him and everything but that all where going to say right now and everything I'm going to call you later when we get a. with instructions and everything like that I just wanted to make sure you knew that we had him for sure and it was not a ruse. Tell Lana that she doesn't walk way form me that easy you will both find out that one way or another she'll be mine again

With that David got of the phone and I took lana in my hands and it a good thing that Scotland yard is here and everything. We need to see if we can find Zayn before they do something to him

SIMON COWELL I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY SON'S NANNYWhere stories live. Discover now