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Simon's POV

I know that my baby is worried that David is going to be.coming for her and. Everything and that not .going to be easy and stuff .but I can't wait till we can get married and move forward and everything I noticed that Lana as not been feeling well very much lately which is what has me thinking that maybe she could be pregnant or something so I have the doctor check and do some tests now we're waiting to find out for sure

Simon : lana baby how are you doing

Lana : I was feeling a lot better if I could stop throwing up and everything right now and I don't know why I am tossing my cookies left and right and everything but I have a feeling that whatever I ate earlier did not agree with me or anything like that right now

Simon :that's a good thing with the doctors running some tests and everything to find out for sure what's going on for sure because you been feeling this way off and on for quite a bit

Lana : yeah you're right about that but hopefully everything will be okay in that in a few minutes and we'll know for sure exactly what's going on with me this is really driving me crazy right now and I'm getting worried about the fact that my crazy ex is still out there it's a good thing we know that everybody is safe again

Simon : yeah you're right about that is a good thing that we know that everybody sleep again and stuff like that anyway we should check into things and figure out exactly what's going to happen next because we need to make sure you're okay and stuff like that I just checked to make sure that Eric was asleep which he is and it's a good thing that you and I've been talking about you adopting him and everything and that you're going to do that that's sweet and I really miss just was time for us to all be happy for once

Lana : we can't really do one till we know that are crazy exes are locked up and everything like that and when they are I will be a great that way we all have to deal with s*** and that's been coming our way very much I'm just f****** tired of everything that's been tossed away cuz it's driving me and saying you know what I mean f*** I just wish I never had to deal with everything that my ex put me through or are you got to be able to everything your ex but you through I need you walked in on her freaking having sex with someone that was supposed to be your friend and everything on the f****** couch I mean come on think I've learned there's more to life than s*** like that

Simon: wow you have definitely are having something on the mood where you have to talk like that and everything like that's why I'm wondering if you could be pregnant everything because your moods are always changing and stuff like that right now baby and the fact that you keep throwing up and everything yeah hopefully the doctor will be able to tell us what the f*** is going on soon

Lana : that would be a really good idea they told us what the f*** was going on everything soon with my body and everything right now because if I'm pregnant then I will understand that I will be good because to tell you the truth I don't like not knowing what's going on with me and makes me feel sick and everything I need to toss my cookies again and everything baby I don't like being sick and everything it's driving me crazy and stuff like that is really wishing that I know you able to keep something down what happening to feel like my stomach is going to hurt

Simon :I think you need to go back and lay down and everything baby in that moment there in a little bit cuz I just heard my phone ring you could be the doctor calling us about the test results and stuff you get some rest and then we'll be there at exactly what to do about our crazy ex's stuff but right now I don't want you stressing out

With that lana went to lay down and everything like I asked you to do you want everything that she knew all that what I was saying was right the next thing I know my phone was ringing I answer then was the doctor

Simon : hay what were the results of the tests and everything

Doctor; turns out that she is pregnant and she's carrying more than one I'm not sure if it's twins or triplets or if it's even quadruplets or something like that cuz it's hard to tell with the way the babies are hiding behind one but I know it's definitely more than one for what I figured out here so she's definitely going to have to take it really easy in that no stress she's not to go overboard with anything unless she's doing

Simon : just going to be kind of hard for her not to go overboard and she knows that are crazy ex-boyfriends out there somewhere and everything like that we really need to make sure that there's no major problems and issues and stuff like that I'll keep a close eye on her and do whatever she has to do to make sure she's okay and everything and I know you're going to come and check on earlier thanks for running the test

Dr : no problem we'll see you in everything when I get a chance to cover and check on her new make sure she's okay

Simon : okay we time know that more than likely will probably be tomorrow and everything because you don't want to leave this too soon when I checking on I am I right

Dr : yes

When we got off the phone with the Dr i could help but I feel happy that my baby is going to be have. A more then one.and Eric is going to be a big brother

SIMON COWELL I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY SON'S NANNYWhere stories live. Discover now