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Lana's POV

Well it's been about 6 months since me and Simon got the are daughter's back safe and sound so it's hard to believe that.ill my babies are 6 moths old and I know that Eric. Is a great big  brother to them it's only about another 3 days and I'm going to be mrs. Simon Cowell

has a nice ring to it and I can't wait to call in my husband and everything I'm definitely looking forward to it we've been together. now a year and a half time for us to get married and everything now we're able to put our past behind us and stuff like that and push forward and be one great big happy family.

in the last six months my life has gotten really good and everything because I have a good relationship with my father and my sisters and my brother even though they're only might have siblings and I even love Karen like another mother so that's great and I'm definitely looking forward to getting closer with all of my family.

one thing I'm definitely looking forward to is the fact that my dad is actually going to be walking me down the aisle now that he is in my life and that's something I'm looking forward to it cuz I never thought I would ever have that

the girls want to take me out for some take a bachelorette party let's just hope it don't get out of line and stuff like that the guys want to take his sign in for a bachelor party and if I'm wondering what's going to be going on that's going to be a bit of fun but I'm going to all the kids are going to be safe because my dad and Karen are going to be taking them which is good and everything like that so that's  make me feel alright knowing they're safe with their poppy and step nanny

Simon : so baby can you believe that in 3 days we are going to be getting married

Lana : yes and I can't wait because we been thought so much too get here but I'm happy that we did and everything

Simon : yes and I know that you and the grils are going to be having a good time and stuff

Lana : yes and I know that you and the guys are going to be having a good time and I told the grils if they take me where there is male strippers I am going to kick their asses because I do not want to see anything like that I only have eyes for you

Simon : that's sweet and I told the guys that I don't want to see strippers but if they go ahead and get them and everything like that I promise you that I will not touch them or anything like that if they try to make a move or anything on me I'll let you know

Lana : good and just in case the girls go against everything I send as male strippers  the same thing as you just said I am not about to let any other man touch me that's not you the

Simon :good to know that we understand everything if they're strippers and that is because we couldn't get them to stop them bring you in on that at least we know to not let it get out of hand and if it gets out of hand will let each other know that's the best way to me because these are our last night so technically being free but I know one thing for sure you had me tied down and always been mine since I met you

Lana : same thing and I love you for who you are and I see pass the money and the fame I see the man and there more to you then. What's been show on these shows and stuff that the business side of you and everything but. I know everything else about you

Simon : which is one of the many things that I love about you and it's a good thing now and forever

Lana : ya hay the boys are here to take you out and the grils should be here to get me and everything soon will at least we know the kids are in good hands with. My dad and stepmom

With that Simon left let's just hope that boys don't get him to be drinking way to much and everything right. Now


Simon's POV

I can't believe that the guys have gotten a pub rent out and everything

Simon : this good and I'm happy that you didn't get the strippers and everything like I asked

Zayn :we didn't do that because we had a feeling that it would make you feel uncomfortable and everything like that and if we know what your wife-to-be she would probably kick our asses

Simon :she can be scary when she's mad and everything thank God she never had her any type of anger towards me or anything yet because we always manage to talk things out if we're upset about something about each other we always meet in the middle

Liam : ya that's a good thing I know that's she big sister but I'm still going to tell you to look after and everything because we all just got her in are lives and everything and I I'm so happy that my dad and his long lost daughter can have a goodfather daughter relationship and everything like that

Simon : ya and her mother might be moving here to the UK so she can start a knew and everything and stuff because she doesn't really have much left back where she is to right now

With that me and the guys all had a few drinks and played some pool and everything but. I can't get over where Niall is putting away all the 🍻 I mean he can. Drink us under the table that's saying something.i wondering what the grils are doing why we are out here

Lana POV
The grils took me to a spa they told me that they thought I would be a good idea to do that  other than get a strippers and stuff .cuz that way it would keep them in their good graces with her boss they said LOL and they would also be able to make sure that nothing wrong

Lana : grils thanks for this it better then having male strippers and stuff

Perrie: we thought so too because we don't want them trying anything on you so a spa day and few drinks and a cake before you are tide down with the old ball and chain

We all couldn't help but laugh but I'm so looking forward to to getting married to Simon tommorow it's going to be me getting Last minute stuff done and everything then I'm going to be getting married the next day and I can't wait

SIMON COWELL I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY SON'S NANNYWhere stories live. Discover now