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2 weeks later

Midterms were hell, but I believe I passed. I only had one more semester and then I'd get to graduate so I prayed that I did actually pass.

I sat in my room, with a blanket covering my body as my laptop sat in my lap. The email from Jo sat open, as I browsed through the contract once again.

It said something about how if I told anyone then I would basically be subpoenaed. Which was utterly bullshit. I had no one to tell for Christ's Sake!

Like seriously, what the hell was this shit? My eyes had read over it a total of 12 times already and I still was avoiding Jo at the moment. I didn't know how to feel about some of this shit. Like this shit seemed to be on a whole different level of freaky, plus I felt like she didn't trust me to not tell so why would she trust me to be her submissive?

Training of Submissive

- Training activities will include but are not limited to: Domestic skills training, offering of self every evening on bended knee, proper answers, orgasm control, anal training to increase my ability to offer every hole as she wishes, learning to present myself as a submissive full of poise, grace, and beauty in public and private, learning protocols and rituals throughout this contract on a as-needed basis; any other training activities as Jo Jackson deems fit.

Every hole? I wish someone would! Still, that wasn't it, there was more. Like the Orgasm Control.

Orgasm Control

- I am here to achieve a orgasm only by express permission of Ms. Jo Jackson. I understand that a submissive's orgasms are controlled for proper training and reminding me that it is with my Mistresses good grace that sexual pleasure is brought, providing motivation, physical and sexual energy. Ms. Jackson will allow me this reward when she desires.

As far as I was concerned, you can't hold in fucking orgasms! My eyes went further in the contract.


Punishment will be given for the following offenses:

- Cockiness/rudeness

- Disobedience

- Incorrectly addressing Ms. Jackson

- Failing to properly serve

- Achieving orgasm without consent

- Any other punishable offense as dictated

Failing to properly serve? I had questions. A hell of a lot of questions that I needed answers to. I just didn't know how to ask them when I was avoiding her at the moment.

Forms of Punishment

- Punishments can include: spanking, nipple pinching, cropping, hair pulling, withholding of orgasm, caning, any other punishment as she sees fit.

- Punishments are intended as full and complete penance for offenses. Punishments should always fit the crime, and would be executed with full understanding that once over, the issue is over.

My curiosity brought me to looking up cropping. It was a whip and I shrugged it off. Not the worst, I guess. I typed in caning.

Half the pictures popping up where women getting beat with canes and I blinked in disbelief. She was gonna try and kill my soft hearted ass.

"The issue is over" my ass, yeah the issue will be over but my life will be over as well. Cause she hits me too hard and I'm dying. No questions asked.

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