noah schnapp

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I threw my bag onto Chloe (Schnapps) bed, and sighed, looking at the girl in exasperation.

"So?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips, while raising an eyebrow.

"Don't give me that look, Clo. I can't help that-"

"That you like my brother. My twin." Chloe shrugged, "What can you do? I've been in your position. It's fine, really."

I raised my brows, "You have?"

She shook her head, her brown locks shaking with it, "Uh, no. But, I understand."

I nodded, blowing out my lips, "What should I do?"

"Go tell Noah, for Christ's sake." Chloe said in a 'duh' tone.

"Tell me what?"

Chloe's and my heads snapped towards the door in less than a second, and my eyes widened, looking at the boy at the door in horror.

"I-Uh Nothing." I mumbled, and gave Chloe a look to zip it.

"[y/n] here has something she wants to tell you." Chloe said, with no hesitation.

My mouth fell open, and Noah laughed.

"[y/n], chill. It can't be that bad, right?" He crossed his arms.

I gulped, nodding, "It's pretty bad."

Noah raised his eyebrows at me, as if looking for a challenge, and I looked at Chloe - waiting for her to leave, quite politely.

"Geez. Sorry! My room remember Noah, don't touch a thing!" Chloe pouted, leaving the room in an instant.

Noah smirked at me, touching the handle of one of Chloe's dressers as she left. I smiled, sitting on the bed. He sat next to me.

I breathed a big breath, "This is hard for me to do."

Noah chuckled, "What, do you like me or something?"

I widened my eyes, looking at the boy with a knowing face. His soon matched mine.

"Really?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes.

My hand immediately flew to my mouth as I began to chew on my nails, a thing I did whenever I got nervous. I nodded.

"Oh, thank god!" Noah yelled, and I sat next to him, completely confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked the brown-haired boy.

He raised an eyebrow at me, as if I couldn't figure it out.

I bit my lip, shaking my head as I tried to work out what he was talking about. Noah gave a big sigh, turning to face me completely.

"It's mutual." He said.

I still didn't get it.

"The feelings? I mean, if you're serious." He said, biting his lip.

I freaked out after that.

"What? No! That's ridiculous!" I got up off the bed, "You don't like me Noah, you couldn't! I mean, let's be honest here."

Noah got off the bed, completely unfazed by my words. He walked towards me as I kept my ramblings going, grabbed my face and kissed me.

He kissed me. Me. I kissed back. Of course.

"Are you guys done in her- ew! No! Not in my room! Gross!" Chloe stormed out of her room, leaving Noah and I in a fit of giggles.

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