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Sunshine shone brightly upon the camp of ThunderClan. Goldenheart, a light brown she-cat, made her way slowly to the medicine cat den. She pushed through the layer of vines and was greeted by a focused medicine cat, Ivyheart.

Ivyheart glanced up and gave a knowing look. "Quick, come with me." She ushered Goldenheart towards a bed and almost immediately laid down.

Volepaw, the medicine cat apprentice, rushed in and gasped. "I'll get Oakbelly!" He said and left the den. Moments later Goldenheart's mate and the soon to come kits' father ran in.

"Did I miss anything?" Oakbelly gasped and trotted to his mate. Ivyheart shook her furry head and gave Goldenheart a stick to bite on when she would be in pain.

"Bite down when you are feeling any pain." She said and the kitting began.

Goldenheart lovingly looked down at her one beautiful kit. Oakbelly nuzzled his head into his mate's and happily gazed at the kit. "What should we name it?" The mother asked. Ivyheart purred and stood back.

Volepaw looked up at his mentor with pride. He had successfully helped a cat in need. Oakbelly tilted his brown head. "Dawnkit." He whispered and looked to Goldenheart for assurance.

She purred in agreement and licked Dawnkit all over. "Dawnkit is a beautiful name. Congratulations, Oakbelly and Goldenheart." Ivyheart purred and

Oakbelly purred and curled his tail over his paws. "She will be an amazing warrior. I just know it, Oakbelly." Golden heart said and curled around the kit, falling asleep quickly.

Oakbelly purred once again and left to let his mate and Dawnkit rest.

Warrior Cats: The Peek of DawnWhere stories live. Discover now