107: Sword's Dance

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<Author's Note Begins>

From now on the chapters will all be R rated. The story has entered its mature and darker stage. Underage people who are not comfortable with reading violent things among other mature topics are to read at their own risk. The author is not responsible if you read something which doesn't suit you. You have been warned.

<Author's Note Ends>

The Dragon Emperor is standing in his place. Rooted to the spot. His jaws have dropped. What shocks everyone is the look of on the Dragon Emperor's face. They are all shocked to see Dragon Emperor's jaw lying all open. Never before have they seen him being so utterly shocked and taken aback by anything. Within moments his mouth closes and the expression on his face get replaced with one of pure rage. He turns around and his right palm fingers curl almost as if they are holding a cylindrical object. That very moment Joseph starts choking and his fingers immediately reach for his throat. Dragon Emperor raises his palm which in turn causes Joseph to be rise from the ground. His legs thrash everywhere and his fingers clutch at his throat which is choking for breath.

"Dragon Emperor what are you doing?" Diantha says in a distraught tone. Everyone else is horrified at this nature of the Dragon Emperor.

"Who told you about this law? And consider your answer well before answering me." Dragon Emperor snarls in a venomous tone. He is angry beyond belief and is oblivious to whatever is happening around him.

"You... forget... someth..." Joseph manages to utter despite being choked. The Dragon Emperor drops Joseph on hearing this.

"And what have I forgotten?" Dragon Emperor says. His tone reverberates not just with anger but hate, fury and pain. Joseph's pale blue face struggles to utter words as he gasps for breath.

"You forget that under the code when a non-aura user challenges an aura user to a trial by combat then the aura user is bound by law to not use any aura abilities on the non-aura user." Joseph says.

"It's been 48 years since someone has challenged me to trial by combat. He ended up with a sword put through his neck and out of the back of his skull. You really covet death that much that you wish to spar with it?" Dragon Emperor asks as he approaches Joseph whose skin has regained its healthy tone.

"I told you. You will pay for this." Joseph says in a malicious tone.

"You are injured badly and you wish to take part in a duel to the death with the most dangerous man who walks the Pokemon world at the moment? I don't recall rendering your sense of judgement impaired by attacking a part of your brain or spinal cord." Dragon Emperor says.

"I also have the right to choose a champion to fight on my behalf." Joseph replies as he winces in pain due to his leg wound.

"I see. That was to be expected. So instead of fighting yourself, you are condemning some poor soul to die for your crimes. How elegant is that?" Dragon Emperor says.

"I am sorry. Not champion. Rather champions." Joseph says while smiling. Then he claps his hands twice. Within moment several masked men drop from the ceiling and surround the Dragon Emperor in a circle. Dragon Emperor who is taken aback looks all around to see fully armed men with swords, bow and arrow, guns and other weapons possible. Everyone else is too scared to do or say anything and they slowly back away.

"Allow me to introduce to you. The Twelve Deaths. The Pokemon world's finest assassins." Joseph says as he smiles in a malicious manner.

"You son of a bitch. You had this all planned along. Didn't you?" Dragon Emperor says in an accusatory tone.

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