118: The Dragon Emperor Descends

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(In the Battlefield)

Ash and Serena are panting profusely as they stand next to each other, one leaning on the other for support.

"That took a lot more power than I anticipated," Serena breathlessly says as she rests her weary head on Ash's welcoming right shoulder.

No one says anything as they all watch in sheer stunned silence. Grace, Delia, Diantha and the others are shocked at the various powers and abilities that Ash and Serena have demonstrated meanwhile Ariel, Calem and the Team Rocket grunts are silent at the fact that they just saw Ash and Serena beat Giovanni so easily. All the spectators who were trapped in the stands, take advantage of this and flee from the stadium without giving a moment's thought.

"But still. The Aura Shuriken got the job done," Ash mutters to which Serena mildly nods.

The very next second, however, something lands in front of them out of the sky almost as if a meteorite has crashed in front of them. So powerful is the landing that the sheer force of the fallout knocks Ash and Serena of their feet.

"Hahahahaha," a familiar yet deadly voice saunters out of the dust-cloud.

"But-but-but how?" Serena splutters as both she and Ash see Giovanni walk out of the dust cloud, completely unscathed from taking the Aura Shuriken.

A feeling of terror floods all of Ash and Serena's family and friends while a feeling of relief sweeps over Ariel and the other Team Rocket members.

"Dragon Emperor... taught you well," Giovanni smiles maliciously.

Ash tries to get up and go to Serena's defence but Giovanni lazily swipes his right hand, sending Ash flying away. Serena tries to back away but can't since she's paralyzed by fear. Giovanni walks up to her before coming to a vicious halt.

"But he didn't teach you everything," Giovanni finishes his sentence before quickly reaching down, grabbing Serena by the neck and then lifting her up.

Everyone watches as Serena thrashes about with her attempting to break free from Giovanni's iron-clad clutches with kicks and punches, only for Giovanni to laugh her futile efforts away.

"NOOOOO!" Grace and Delia shout as they helplessly slam their fists against the protective barrier which Serena had put around them.

"Let her go you monster," Ash snarls as he gets up and then runs at Giovanni.

"You want her that badly?" Giovanni asks as Serena's face starts to turn blue and her kicks and punches become weaker and weaker.

"There you go," Giovanni says before he launches Serena in Ash's direction.

Ash's eyes only have time to widen as Serena gets slammed into his chest and they are both brutally sent tumbling on the ground. Ash grunts in pain while Serena takes in deep gasps of air, trying to regain her breath.

"You really thought that you could put up a fight? Hilarious," Giovanni says before walking right next to Ash, kicking him in his chest and sending him flying into Serena.

Both Ash and Serena cough up some blood as they see Giovanni standing quietly in front of them.

"Do you want some respite?" Giovanni asks while smirking heavily.

Serena throws him a look of pure venom before firing an Aura Sphere at him which does nothing to him.

"Your Aura Shuriken didn't do anything so you thought a puny Aura Sphere will do the trick? Tsk tsk tsk, you are immature and untrained but I, on the other hand, have a use for the powers that you can't yet control," Giovanni says before slamming his fist into the ground, setting off another explosion of black energy.

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