Thank You

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  No one's P.OV:
                Sebastian and Claude ran as fast as they could to Miranda's house since their masters were in danger. They came just in time when Ceil and Alois slipped away from Miranda's grasp. "Let's go now," Ceil demanded in a hurry. Alois commanded," Hurry up." Though their butlers were confused, they did what their master's asked of them; quickly going to Krystal's home. Once there, Ceil and Alois explained to everyone what Miranda's party was like. The commotion woke Krystal up from her slumber. She yawned and stretched before walking into the living room. "What's with the commotion," she asked rubbing her eye. Everyone turned to see a sleepy Krystal with her pajamas on. Before anyone could reply, Ceil ran up to Krystal and hugged her, shocking the whole room. "Huh? What's wrong Ceil," She asked. He didn't reply as he hugged tighter. Then Alois joined the hug, understanding what Ceil was doing. Krystal was extremely confused and looked at everyone else for help, but they had no clue themselves. "Thank you," the pair said in unison," for being you." Krystal's eyes widened to saucers, no one ever thanked her for being herself. It was weird to be thanked for being you, but it was a good feeling of appreciation. She smiled as she said," Of course." The pair broke the hug giving Krystal a smile back. She was shocked once again as she could tell Ceil wasn't faking it.
                    Breaking the bond between Krystal and Ceil and Alois, Sebastian walked over to his master, giving him Krystal's drawing. Krystal blushed, knowing what it was. Claude gave Alois the drawing Krystal made as well. Grell hugged her as thanks for the picture and of how cute her red face was, making her blush more. Ceil slightly blushed as well, since Krystal got the essence of him perfect. "Thank you, Krystal," he muttered, giving Sebastian the picture back. His butler chuckled at his reaction, though he felt a twinge of jealousy. Alois had a gigantic grin on his face, Krystal captured the relationship between Claude and him perfectly, not only that, but to her, he wasn't crazy. "Thanks Krystal," Alois shouted in happiness as he danced around. Krystal giggled at him while Claude grabbed the picture from his master and put the picture where it belonged. "I haven't thanked you properly," Sebastian told Krystal. She replied," There's no need, Sebastian." "Oh, but there is. Thank you," he said before kissing her hand. Krystal blushed as she rolled her eyes, taking her hand back. "No problem, Bassy," she stated with a smirk. Sebastian gave her a look of pure annoyance and behind that, a look of revenge. Claude just gave Krystal a nod as his appreciation for the drawing, knowing if he said anything it would make him look like he cared for the girl. William gave Krystal a half smile as his thanks, making her smile back. "Thank you," Krystal said as she went into her room," for being my friends."

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