Grell Ending 1

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  I choose....
Krystal's P.O.V:
             "Grell," I stated before I was grabbed by the redhead and swung around. I laughed as I was pulled into a hug, leaving me dizzy. "Oh Krystal! We'll have so much fun together," Grell stated, giving me a toothy smile. I nodded as I held onto him. I was about to talk to him when he suddenly picked me up and jumped through the window. "Grell! You can't just jump into or out of windows whenever you feel like! Someone could get hurt," I stated, crossing my arms. He continued running through trees and rooftops as he said," I know, but I finally get to have you all to myself! I want to celebrate!" I shook my head with a smile, placing my head on his chest. "So hyperactive, one of the things I love about you," I sighed, closing my eyes. Grell chuckled as he continued running.
               "Krystal," I hear my name being called," Darling." I slowly opened my eyes, groaning as I do so. "It's time to wake up beautiful," Grell stated, staring into my eyes. I nodded, sitting up from my lap, looking around the room. Red, everything was red. Red couch, red walls, red tables, just red. "Is this your home," I questioned. He answered, as he hugged a wall," Yes! Isn't it beautiful!?!" I giggled at his excitement while I nodded once more. "We'll be leaving soon, I have some dresses you can wear in my room," Grell continued. I smiled before following him to his room. When I went in there, I was quite shocked and amused.
               Pictures upon pictures covered his walls. One of them of Sebastian, second of William, third of Undertaker, and the fourth of human males. Grell seemed completely embarrassed, but said nothing as he grabbed some dresses from his closet. I looked through the photos on the wall until I noted a picture of me on the crowning. I stared up at the ceiling to see pictures of me in a mosaic of my sleeping face. I backed up slightly, surprised at how artistic Grell really was. "Um, the dresses are on the bed, I'll be in the living room," he said, breaking me from my train of thought. I didn't get the chance to reply as Grell hurried through the door. I sighed silently, looking through the dresses set out on the bed. I put on a simple red dress with black trim around the edges. Before I changed, I decided to get a closer look at the pictures on the wall. I realized they were all configured in such a way to make their faces, like mine, except they were in their signature poses.
              I walked into the living room to see Grell, talking with someone. "Hey Grell, what's going on," I asked, to see Will. He glanced at me, but didn't acknowledge my presence. Oh, so that's how he's going to play. Well, William, the game is on. "Grell, hon, who are you talking too? No ones there," I questioned, standing very close to him. I brought his face close to mine, feeling his forehead for his temperature. Grell squeals as his face gets red, matching the interior of the room. I stated," Oh, Grell, you're burning up! Lets go outside, for some fresh air." Before I could drag him all the outside, Will grabbed his arm. "Honestly, you have work to do; put aside your petty affair," William stated, not even blinking. This bitch! I glared at Will, using a spell to throw him through the wall. "Krystal! You can't jus-," Grell was about to reprimand me, but I cut him off," Well I did, so lets get going before he comes back!" He smiled at me before picking me up and leaving.
             Grell took me to a fancy human restaurant. "Usually I would oogle at the men here, but the only thing that my eyes are fixated on is you," he stated, slyly. I blushed as I asked," When did you become the charming one?" Grell laughed as a waiter came to our table. "You've got to be kidding me," I whispered, since I recognized the waiter to be Sebastian. "What would you like, Milady," he questioned, with a smirk. 'You to leave,' I thought. I answered with a sickening sweet smile," Some sweet tea." "And I'd like the special," Grell replied, not looking up from his menu. Sebastian stated," Of course. Do you need sometime to decide on your course?" "Yes, ple-," Grell stopped halfway in his sentence, noticing it was Sebastian. He bowed, slightly before leaving.
"Are all of them going to watch us while we date," I asked, annoyed. Grell placed his hand on mine to calm me down. I stated," Honestly, I asked one thing of them; to respect my decision. They're acting like it was impossible for me to pick you like this was a prank. It's agitating me to no end." Grell smirked at me as he said," Lets leave this place and put on a show for them. Show that it's not fake." "Sex doesn't mean you love someone," I interjected, raising an eyebrow to his suggestion. Grell replied," You're right, but they'll leave us alone." "I don't know, we are dealing with demons," I stated, jokingly. He smiled, dragging me out of the restaurant. Lets just say it was a passionate night and they never bothered me again.......except Will, who gives Grell tons of work.  

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