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  No one's P.O.V:
                      Today was a normal relaxing day. Lizzy and Missy talked non-stop about the ball the day before. Melissa, though she badly wanted to tell her close friend, did not speak of the cursed instrument. She didn't think Elizabeth would believe her even if she had. Melissa was in the library again, trying to see if she missed any books, when Elizabeth came in as well. "Lizzy what is it," Melissa asked, noticing her friends fallen face that usually was bright and energetic. Elizabeth said nothing while she grabbed a book that opened a hidden door. Missy tilted her head as Lizzy dragged her inside the very cramped un-spacious room. Melissa was about to question Elizabeth when Lizzy gave her a look that said,' Don't talk!' She nodded before slowly following her friend. They soon stopped at a dead end, making the small adventure even more confusing. Lizzy slid something away to reveal a small hole and nodded at Missy to look through it. Melissa gave her a confused look, but did as was instructed.
                Inside was Mr. Midford's study, that the girls were not allowed in. She was about to ask a question when Mr. Midford came through the door with a familiar blonde and his golden eyed butler. It took all Missy had not to growl as the boy sat down across from who she looks to as a father. "I would like to talk to you about your niece, Melissa," Alois stated, crossing his legs with a smile. Missy and Lizzy looked at each other before Melissa continued to watch. "Ah yes," Mr. Midford replied," what is it that you need to know, Mr. Trancy?" "How many suitors does she have," Alois questioned, tilting his head. Mr. Milford wasn't surprised about the question, but was unsettled by it at the same time. He answered honestly," None at the moment." "Yes! That is wonderful," Alois replied with a wide small. Mr. Midford asked," What is wonderful, Mr. Trancy?" "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! I want Melissa to be my wife," The blonde replied, clapping his hands together. Missy gasped in shock then realized her mistake and clamped down her hand on her mouth. No one seemed to notice except the golden eyed butler, who looked their way. Alois continued," Since there are no other competition, I want her to know as soon as possible! Also I would like to spend one week with her so we could get to know each other better. I'll pick her up tomorrow! Thank you for your time, Mr. Midford!"
                      The guests left quickly leaving Mr. Midford staring after them and two girls in a secret compartment, shocked. "Marriage," Melissa exclaimed to Elizabeth, once they were in her room. Lizzy stated," It's not unusual. I mean, I'm younger than you are and Ceil and I are engaged." "I know but with him," Missy replied. Elizabeth said," Look it's not too bad? At least you get to see what he is like and you could try to persuade father." Melissa pondered for a moment, not only could she try to persuade father, but it is the perfect time to investigate what exactly that instrument was. "I guess you're right Lizzy," Missy stated," I just I had a say in my future." Elizabeth nodded, understanding what her friend felt. Soon Paula came in and said," Miss. Melissa, please pack your things for the week; you are going to visit Mr. Trancy." "Thank you Paula," Missy thanked before she gave Elizabeth a look of pure annoyance. Melissa began to pack her things, occasionally asking Lizzy about a dress or things to bring. Then it was time for dinner, which Missy was absolutely dreading. She wanted to say something to Mr. Midford, but Melissa considered it rude and disrespectful, after all they did take her in when they could have just ignored her or even got her arrested. It's only a week, what could possibly go wrong?  

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