Sebastian Ending 1

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  I choose....
Krystal's P.O.V:
          "Sebastian," I stated, a slight blush on my cheeks as he gave me a huge smile. He said, twirling me in a circle," The obvious." Claude looked very disgusted before pulling Alois up and leaving. Will rolled his eyes, leaving through the window without a word. Grell, on the other hand, looked absolutely devastated since both of his loves at now taken. He slowly walked out through the door, obviously very depressed because he didn't go through the window. Ceil looked heartbroken, but said," Though you had picked my butler, I still love and care for you *Sebastian tightens his grip on my shoulder* so you will live here and work as one of my maids. You start tomorrow." He stands up and leaves the room without sparring another glance at us.
               "Well, Krystal, would you please come with me to my room," Sebastian asked, giving me his arm. Though I find it suspicious, I took his arm and followed him into his room. "Okay you can't freak out," he said as I sat at the edge of his bed. I tilted my head wondering what would be able to since I'm dating a demon. Sebastian opened his closet and tumbling out were at least 20 cats. "Um, why would I freak out about cats," I questioned, picking up a white cat with black spots. He replied," You don't think it's weird?" "I don't know why you have an obsession over cats, but I'm not going to judge you for it since it makes you happy," I stated, petting the pretty cat. Sebastian sat besides me, taking the cat out of my hands, before placing his hand on my cheek.
                      "You're so different," he commented. I giggled as I said," I guess I'll take that as a compliment." "I don't say that often, so you should," Sebastian stated, a smirk forming. I was about to lay on the bed when a gunshot rang out, his face suddenly serious. I turn to see that Sebastian caught a bullet that would have blown my brains out. "I'll be back," he said, not very happy at all. I asked," Would you like some help??" "No thank you, please stay in here while I exterminate some pests," Sebastian answered, giving me a smile. I nodded, laying down on the bed.
                It feels as if he's been gone for hours on end. I was incredibly bored, just laying on the bed with the cats. I hummed as I searched for something to do when I saw a huge spider. Before I could do anything, the spider turned into Claude Faustus. "What are yo-," I couldn't finish my question because Claude closed my mouth. He had a serious face, but something in his eyes were different than his usual demeanor. I don't know if he was pissed or heartbroken, maybe it was both, but I slowly fell dizzy and slowly went limp, closing my eyes.
                I opened my eyes, groaning as my body felt stiff. I tried to stretch when I noticed that I was tied to a chair with a gag in my mouth. Instantly, I did some chanting in my head to loosen the bonds and take off my gag. Using a simple spell, I lit up the darkened room, and I looked around the room to find nothing that could be of use and no exit. I sighed in annoyance, trying to think of something. "Looks like you found your way out," A voice stated. I turned to find the golden eyed butler, staring at me with no emotion like always, but this time it seemed different. I replied," Well it wasn't exactly hard, though, I'd like to know where the exit is." "Would you now," he questioned.
                  I tilted my head, wondering why he was questioning if I'd like to go to the exit. "I'll show you the exit, that is, if you leave that disgraceful demon," Claude stated, with a slight smirk," or you can give in to temptation, that's another option." I asked," Why would I do that?" "Because unless you decide to be with me, you're going to stay here without food and water," he answered. I laughed as I said," You really think that I'm going to stay in here forever?? I'm a witch! I'll find my way out sooner or later, plus I have a powerful demon in love with me! Either I'll get out on my own or he'll find me and kick your ass!"
                Claude slammed me against the wall, but using my powers I slammed him against the wall, using the crowning to keep him on the wall. "Well since you're just hanging there, I'm going to find an exit," I stated with a smile. I muttered some spells underneath my breath, trying to find some clue as to how to get out of here. I found out where the exit is, a trapdoor underneath the floor, but I couldn't get it open, not even by magic. "I told you, you won't get out anytime soon unless you leave Michealis," Claude stated, obviously annoyed that he had to repeat himself. I replied," Even if I do leave him, what good will come with it? My heart belongs with him and vice versa." He stayed silent, as if he didn't have an answer.
                It has been months since I was taken and I still couldn't figure the lock out. I still had Claude stuck on the wall, surprisingly Alois hadn't called him or the other demon servants. I was starving, but I still didn't give up to him. "Sebastian, where are you," I whispered, closing my eyes for a moment. "You called," a voice asked. I looked up to see Sebastian, standing in front of me with a smile. "Sebastian," I whispered, putting my hand in his. All of a sudden, Claude punches Sebastian. He must have broke through my hold when I was distracted/weak. Sebastian kicks Claude through a wall, revealing light and woods. "Where have you been," I questioned, wincing at the light. He answered," I apologize for the wait. Faustus masked your soul so I couldn't find you, but that is no excuse." "It's alright, I think I annoyed him more than he annoyed me," I stated with a smile. Sebastian smirked at the thought before grabbing my waist. "Now, lets go; I've been waiting to mark you as mine for a long time," He said, eyes glowing fuchsia. I laughed while he carried me away while I stated," I can't wait!"  

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