Decision Pt. 2

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  Krystal's P.O.V:
             I groaned as I woke from my deep slumber. I hadn't gotten much sleep since yesterday's events. I didn't want to pick between them, knowing it would just cause chaos, but Lizzy's words echoed in my head. I continued laying in my bed thinking of the six men I had grown close too. I didn't notice a red eyed butler came into my room while I thought of everyone. I realized that Sebastian was there when I heard my name being called. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said," I didn't realize you were there." "Deep in thought," he asked, pouring some tea. I answered," You could say that." Sebastian gave me a cup of tea as he stated," Is it about yesterday?" "Maybe," I replied with a slight smirk. Before he could say anything, Ceil walked inside. "Good morning, Krystal," he greeted," Sebastian, don't you have chores to finish?" Sebastian nodded and bowed, taking his leave.
              "I'm sorry, I was talking with him," I stated, taking a sip of the tea. Ceil questioned," What was it about?" "Nothing peculiar," I replied, looking outside. He stayed quiet with a frown on his face that I didn't give him a direct answer. "Alois will be coming at noon with Claude," Ceil stated," you said you wanted to talk with all of us yesterday." "Will Grell and William be there too? They need to be here also," I replied, taking another drink. Ceil replied," They'll come a little later than Trancy." I nodded before starring out the window. "I have some work to do; you're off from your maidly duties, two days was enough," he stated as he left. I frowned, looking after him. I sighed before doing my daily routine of washing, getting dressed, etc.
                  I walked onto my balcony to get some peace and quiet, so I could think. Going outside, wasn't the best idea since a demon hound was there, playing with Finny. I clicked my tongue in annoyance, walking into the hallway to try to find the library when I bumped into Sebastian. "Sorry," I muttered, about to go around him when he slammed me into a wall, putting his arms right next to me. "What did the young master say," Sebastian asked, his eyes flashing fuchsia. I was already annoyed and this made me more irritable. "You're a demon," I stated," figure it out on your own." I ducked under his arms, but was grabbed once again. "What's wrong," he questioned. I answered," I need a place to think and it's either too loud or someone keeps bumping into me." Sebastian's grip loosened slightly as he came closer to me. "I know a place, if you'll allow me to take you there," he whispered in my ear.
                   Before I could reply, Ceil came out of no where as he demanded," Sebastian! I asked of you to get something sweet, not flirting." "Pardon me young master, Krystal was so sweet that I had forgotten you wanted something sweet to eat," Sebastian stated, placing an arm around my waist. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I shoved his arm off of me. Ceil smirked at this, but I stormed away from both of them. I sighed in relief when I entered an empty, quiet room. However, it didn't last as I could here Alois's yells from below me. It was already noon?! I groaned, I hadn't thought much of what I was going to do. I laid down on a couch of the darkened room trying to understand what I should do. I continued thinking and thinking, still confused, but I think I've decided.
                     I walked into the hallway as Sebastian was close by. "Everyone's here, Krystal," he stated, guiding me to the dinning room. Grell was sitting on the windowsill, Will was leaning on a nearby wall, Ceil was sitting at the head table, Alois to his left, and Claude behind Alois. "Hello, everyone," she greeted, sitting across from Alois, next to Ceil," I hope you all know why you're here." "Is it because of yesterday," Alois asked, tilting his head. I answered," Yes and no." "That doesn't make sense," Will stated, his arms across his chest. "Let me explain," I replied," Yesterday, when I was kidnapped and placed into Alois' carriage, another man was there. His name was the Undertaker." "Undertaker? Why was he there," Grell questioned. Ceil remarked," Let her finish, before we ask any questions." "*cough* As I was saying, Undertaker was there. He showed some light on a couple of things that I must confront all of you about. *pause* He said, he said that all of you, um, love me. You see I don't think all of you do at least not the way he was implying, so I'd like all of you tell me how you all feel and if you'll like we can do so in privet," Krystal explained.
                      Everyone looked at each other before Ceil replied," I think we all love you, Krystal." "I know I do," Alois exclaimed with a smile. Ceil as well as the others rolled their eyes. "I don't think that's possible. Four of you are supernatural beings, I didn't think it was possible for you all to feel," I stated. "I didn't think it was possible either, but I know it's real every time I see you," Sebastian admitted, standing behind Ceil. I blushed while I turned away towards where Grell was. "But, Grell, aren't you homosexual," I asked. Grell sighed as he answered," Believe it or not, I did love a woman before you Krystal." There was a silent pause before he continued," Though I am infatuated with other men, you made me love women again. Like the others, I do love you, even though you have your doubts." I was quite shocked about Undertaker being right. "Krystal, as emotionless as I am, you warmed up my cold shell and I will deal with overtime for you," William stated quietly. Grell and I gasped; Will never wants to do overtime. "Agreed," Claude interjected, making Alois pout.
                          "That doesn't make this any easier," I sighed, putting my head in my hands. "Krystal, you don't have to choose now," Ceil said, grabbing my hand. I shook my head as I stated," If I don't, what happened last night is going to repeat itself. One day, I'm not going to be there to stop you and you'll kill one another." "Why not go on date with each of us and see who you'll like more," Alois suggested, still pouting that Claude is in love with me. I shook my head while I said," That'll just make me more confused, but I do have to ask a favor from all of you. If I decide to pick one of you, that you won't try anything rash like kill them, break us up, etc. Please respect my decision." Everyone looked at each other for a moment, debating before they agreed with a nod. "Thank you, all of you," I stated," I hope that my decision won't affect you all too badly." They all nodded, awaiting my decision. "I choose...  

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