Making Up?

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                   "What's going on," I asked when all of them started to argue, about me, as if I wasn't there. Apparently all of them wanted to have time alone with me until they leave through the portal. I clicked my tongue in annoyance before using a spell to silence them. They tried to continue arguing, but nothing came out. First they all looked at each other, before looking at me. "Stay quiet for a while; you guys are giving me a headache," I stated rubbing my temples slightly. I took the spell off them as I continued," First of all, you guys expect me to hang out with you when you guys acted like five year olds; ignoring and pushing me away. The situation is not my fault so stop acting like it is. If you apologize and if I accept, I will be hanging out with all of you at once; no one gets special treatment of spending time alone with me. Sorry, but I am not being put in another situation that will hurt everyone's friendships here. *thinks for a moment* I think that's all I have to say; we should all get to our classrooms before someone gets suspicious."
                     Everyone looked at each other before Ceil stood up. He puts his hand on his heart as he says," I am completely and utterly sorry. If you don't accept my apology, I understand, though I hope you do." Ceil reached out his hand for me to take if I accepted. I starred at it for a couple seconds before putting my hand in his. He pulled me into his chest, hugging me. I was shocked that Ceil was showing affection for the second time, especially in front of the others. Ceil pulled away and reveal a genuine smile, shocking me even more as he walked to his classroom. I shook my head while turning around, only to have a sobbing Alois holding my legs. "I'm sorry, Krystal, I'm so sorry! Please don't leave me! I won't ignore you ever again; I swear," I stared at Alois' blonde hair as he continued to sob on my legs and say sorry multiple times. I sighed until I finally caved and said," I forgive you, now can you get off of me?" He jumped up in excitement and held me close. "Thank you! Thank you," Alois yelled while jumping both of us. He ran out of the room with a huge grin on his face.
                    I now looked at the two demons and two reapers in front of me. "Now, you four, you guys are what, 2,000 plus years old and you acted like a human five year old. I don't know understand, but get your act together. *sigh* Since I let the other two off the hook, you guys are too." Grell hugged me tightly as he spun around. "I knew you'd come through Krystal," he stated before letting go and skipping to his class. I giggled at the red head until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Sebastian and I gave him an apologetic smile; since I knew what he was hoping, but I don't have enough days to spend alone time with everyone. If I spent a bit with him, everyone would want too. He nodded understanding and left to teach. Claude just nodded in my direction as he left for his class. I looked over to Will, who gave me a pass for my next class. "I apologize for earlier and my other actions," he said when I went towards the door. I said," I know, I forgive you. See you at home."  

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