The Costume Ball

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  Melissa(Krystal)'s P.O.V:
                 I woke up instantly at Paula's touch. I ran down stairs in my pajamas and finished my food in seconds as well as Lizzy, who was excited for me to come too. I ran to my room and waited for Paula to come to my room to help wash. Once she came from helping Lizzy, I instantly got clean and got dressed. I stared in the mirror, holding my broom, feeling complete again. I wondered why I felt so complete in a witch's costume, but I didn't ponder it much. It was probably cause it was my first dance. My eyes widened when I realized that I don't know how to dance. "Lizzy," I called," Lizzy!" I walked towards her room to find her coming out. "What's wrong Missy," she asked. I answered," I don't know how to dance!" "Oh my, I totally forgot! If anyone's going to be able to teach you how to dance in less than 2 hours, it'll have to be Sebastian! Come! We must hurry," Lizzy yelled. Elizabeth dragged me to the carriage and we headed towards Ceil's manor.
No one's P.O.V:
                     Ceil was being dressed by his butler in a pirate's outfit. "Will Elizabeth be there," he asked. Sebastian smirked inwardly as he replied," Don't you mean the other young miss?" Ceil glared at his butler for the suggestion, but it was true. The young lord couldn't help but think about the witch. He felt as if something was familiar about her, but couldn't put her finger on it. "Oh Ceil," someone screamed. Ceil rolled his eye before going to the lounge area to see Elizabeth in a princess costume and the girl in a stunning witch costume. Lizzy went straight to Ceil in a blink of an eye. Elizabeth explained," We need to borrow Sebastian and when I mean we I mean Missy. We're going to the costume ball and I had forgotten she doesn't know how to dance! In such a short time period I could only think that Sebastian can do it! Please Ceil!" "I don't see why not," Sebastian replied, before Ceil could even say a word," Can't have such a pretty lady embarrass herself on the dance floor; Can we young master?"
                       Ceil looked at his butler with obvious hatred, but said," Yes of course. Sebastian take-," he was interrupted by Elizabeth," We gave her the name Melissa, nickname Missy." "Sebastian take, Melissa, to the ballroom and show her how to dance," Ceil finished. Missy smiled as she hugged Ceil tightly. "Thank you so much," She said before following Sebastian. The young lord stood there in shock that the girl had hugged him. Lizzy broke his thoughts," Oh I am so excited about the ball! We must dance as soon as we get there!" Meanwhile, Missy and Sebastian entered the glorious ball room. "What do you know about ball room dancing," the butler asked. She shook her head as she said," Nothing at all." Sebastian grabbed her hand and put his hand on her waist. Melissa blushed as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Right, so in a dance, the female follows the male's lead. In the sense wherever I go, you go," he explained," Understand?" Missy nods and they start to dance.
                  Melissa stares at her feet, not wanting to step on the butler's feet. "It's rude to stare at your feet, keep eyes on your partner's face," Sebastian instructed, tilting her face to see his. She blushed, but did as told; stepping on his feet once or twice. The butler commented," You're a natural, simply amazing." Melissa replied with a giggle," Not so bad yourself, Sebastian." The dance was cut short by Lizzy and Ceil. "It's time to leave. Are you ready, Miss. Melissa," Ceil asked, boredly. Missy nodded with a wide smile. She said," Thanks to Sebastian; I don't think I'd ever learn in such a short period of time." "If a butler such as myself, could not teach a lady how to dance in an hour, he isn't worth his salt," Sebastian stated, bowing. Lizzy thanked Sebastian as well before taking my hand. She squealed," I'm so excited! Melissa's first ball with us! Oh I hope you enjoy it!." "As do I," Missy replied with a smile. They all entered the carriage and went to Alois Trancy's manor.
                    Melissa, Sebastian, Elizabeth, and Ceil walked inside the Trancy manor to find multiple people inside. There was a snack table with drinks as there is a lot of dancing and chatter. "Woah," Missy whispered as she looked around. A maid with long blonde hair with her eye covered by white bandages greeted," Welcome to the Trancy manor. Please have fun during the ball." Melissa smiled at the maid before going with her friends. Missy stayed close to her three friends, noticing multiple men google at her. "Ah, Miss. Melissa," Someone greeted from behind. Melissa turned to find Alois and his butler behind her. Missy was about to reply when Ceil stood in front of her. "Trancy," he stated, glaring.
                   Melissa tilted her head confused as to why Ceil was glaring at their host. Alois replied," Ceil, how nice to see that you could make it and Elizabeth too. I hoped I'd see you here." Claude said, venom in his voice," Michealis." Sebastian replied with the same venom," Faustus." Missy and Lizzy looked between the two until Alois turned to Melissa. "I was just about to ask this young lady to dance," he said, reaching for her hand. Elizabeth held Ceil's hand as she said," We are going to the dance floor as well." Missy grabbed Alois' hand and gave Lizzy, Ceil, and Sebastian an uncomfortable look. Alois and Melissa started to dance, quite well as some people would say.
                    While their masters danced, Claude and Sebastian were talking privately. "The girl, who is she," Claude asked, leaning on a wall. Sebastian glanced sideways at the demon butler before replying," You should be able to figure that out on your own or are you incapable of doing such a simple task?" Claude glared at the red eyed butler as he answered," There are no records of her and unless you would like me to force it out of her, I'd suggest answering my question." "You can try all you want, but she won't give you an answer," Sebastian said while he smirked. "I have ways of persuasion," the golden eyed demon stated. He sighed before turning towards Claude. Sebastian replied," Even if she could she wouldn't." "So she doesn't know who she is," Claude concluded. The raven-ette placed a finger on his lips before leaving the room.
                        The dance had ended and they had to go back to their masters. "Ceil, we must talk in the garden; I have some business to discuss with you," Alois stated, holding onto Missy's arm. Ceil nodded, leaving Missy and Lizzy at the party. Alois lead Ceil deeper into the garden so they could talk in private, their butlers right behind them. Alois said," Lets skip the taunts shall we? What is she?" Ceil smirked as he asked," Oh, so you don't know?" "Know what? As far as I can tell she doesn't exist," The blonde replied, crossing his arms. Claude whispered in his master's ear about the information Sebastian implied. Alois stated," You don't know who she is at all; there's no way of knowing if she doesn't know who she is." "I know some information, but why should I tell you," Ceil replied with that smug smirk on his face. This time Alois smirked at Ceil as he said," Because everyone at the party will die. You see Hannah has a little performance held in store for them and unless I get what I want, they'll die; including your precious fiancé."
                       Meanwhile, Hannah comes out into the room with a giant rolling case. She opened it to see multiple layers of glass. Everyone stared at the demon while she licked her fingers as if in a trance. Melissa was curious about the maid and the instrument, but thought nothing of it as she played. Soon enough, the people at the ball started acting strange as if possessed. Missy tried to protect Elizabeth, but Lizzy had tried to attack her! Melissa jumped back and noticed that everything was fine until the instrument started playing. Melissa clicked her tongue in annoyance, wondering how in the world was she going to get to the instrument let alone get it away from the maid. Melissa thought of a plan, an extremely risky plan if not done right, but she had to save Lizzy and the rest of the party members.
             "Did you even think of Melissa? You know the girl you wanted information about," Ceil responded, face-palming at Alois' ignorance. Alois responded," Something tells me that she'll be fine. Now, what is it that you know?" Before Ceil could even say a thing, they heard a loud crash from the party. Missy had jumped on the table and jumped on the chandelier with extreme elegance and power, that of not a human being. She landed directly on the glass instruments lid and it had slammed down on the demon maid's fingers. "Sorry," Melissa said before kicking the instrument through the wall, making a loud crash. Missy instantly followed to where the instrument was to see if she had destroyed the infernal instrument.
                      When Alois, Claude, Ceil, and Sebastian went to the crash, they hardly expected it to be Melissa. The girl was in front of the instrument that was suppose to be performed. "This is some hard glass," she whispered, noticing not even a scratch was on it. Melissa looked up to see Ceil, Sebastian, Alois, and the golden eyed butler, not too far from her. Missy said," I'm sorry about your wall, but your scheme had to be stopped, Mr. Trancy." Alois was quite shocked to say the least, not only did she stop Hannah's performance, but even kicked the instrument through the wall of his manor. Three purple haired butlers appeared around Melissa, weapons in their hands. Missy looked around to find that she was indeed surrounded. "Well, if I'm going down, might as well be in a fight," she whispered, throwing her hat in the distance.
                    Sebastian looked towards his master and wondered if he would just let her die. Three demons vs 1 witch would have been nothing, but since she didn't know any spells, it wasn't a fair fight at all. It seems that none of the masters were going to call their servants as if they wanted to see the outcome. The purple haired triplets were about to strike when a familiar blonde was running towards the scene. They quickly hid their weapons and patched the whole in the wall in matter of minutes. "Missy! I've been searching everywhere for you," Elizabeth exclaimed, pouting at her friends behavior. Melissa replied," I'm sorry, I was only getting fresh air." "Hm, what happened to your hat," she asked, noticing it wasn't on her head. Missy wished she hadn't thrown it, now regretting her decision. She made up an excuse about how the wind had taken it and couldn't keep up.
                    Ceil and Alois, followed by their butlers walked up to the pair. "I think it is our time to leave; Auntie wants you home before 10," Ceil stated, taking hold of Lizzy's hand, but staring at Missy. Lizzy whined, but didn't object to go home. Melissa agreed, not wanting to die anytime soon. Alois, however, stopped them from leaving. He said," Have a safe trip and a goodnight." Alois had grabbed Melissa's hand and kissed it gently, before letting her go. Missy rolled her eyes as she left with her friends in the carriage. "That is girl is most interesting," Alois commented while he went inside the manor. Claude, silently agreed with his master for once before heading inside himself.
                   When the Phantomhive carriage stopped at the Midford house, Lizzy had fallen asleep during the ride so only Missy and Ceil talked about random things. Sebastian opened the carriage door and helped Melissa out of it. Before she could leave, the butler placed her hat on her head. "I think you'd forgotten something," He stated with a closed eyed smile. Melissa returned the smile as she thanked him. Edward came out of the manor and carried Elizabeth into her room. Missy went to her room, instantly getting out of her costume and into a nightgown. However, she did not go to bed, instead she went to the library, after multiple tries of opening and closing random doors. Melissa tried to research the instrument Trancy had, but without knowing a name, it was quite difficult and ended in failure. She couldn't find a single thing about the hypnotizing instrument. Eventually, Melissa went to bed and quickly went to sleep. Not knowing she had kept people's thoughts swirling around her.  

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