The Fight 2

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Sam POV:

All I could see was red. I was thrown back by my father hitting my head hard, and then a bottle was thrown at my head and it was aimed perfectly to hit in between my eyes, blood was rushing everywhere and I saw Jack he was in a fighting stance against Dave

"Ja-Jack. No.." Was all I could barely say, I was going in and out of consciousness and I'm pretty sure he didn't hear me.

The thing was, Dave had made a deal with the Devil. Literally. I tried to fight him off once. I'm not kidding when I say that his eyes went red and he started to look all creepy and his body bent out of shape. That's why I listen to him.

Jack POV:

I wasn't about to let this bitch hurt my prized possession. Hes mine and things that are mine aren't allowed to be broken.

'Jesus that sounded stupid.' I thought to myself. Thats when I heard cracking and it snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked up to see a now bent out of shape human. What once was a man in front of me. Was now some sort of creature!

"What. The. Fuck?" As I said that it screamed in my face, 'what the hell was I facing!?'

I screamed inside my head. But no matter what. I was determined to protect the person I loved. It swung at me and I jumped to the side dodging it on time as I sliced it with my knife.

It screamed and fell back in pain for a second as I saw blood drip from its black skin. "AGHHHHH!!"

It screamed a weird blood curling, but it was enough to hurt my ears.

"Fucking!" I closed my ears in pain as I was hit in the side hard. "Argh!" I screamed. I was about to get hit again but I rolled away from its attack and grabbed my knife sticking it in its heart.

At least I think that's where it is. It screamed in pain. Even though he was a monster he was still half human it seemed. It fell back holding its chest while it bled. I huffed trying to catch my breath. I grabbed the bat and walked up to it.

Without a seconds hesitation, I hit him in the head as hard as I could. It yelped and fell silent. I huffed and looked down noticing I was bleeding, I looked at my side and noticed a cut but it wasn't enough to make me pass out. I looked over to Sam and walked over to him picking up his small frame and carrying him out the door. I remembered once seeing him come out if the neighbors house when I was walking to mine.

So I went to his neighbors house and knocked on the door.

Jenny POV:

I heard a knock at the door I went to open it.

"Who is it at this your hun?" I heard my mother yell. I liked calling her that. Even if she really wasn't it was like she was.

So I just stuck with the name of mom, dad, and sister. I opened the door and just started staring. I didnt know what to say until I saw my brother unconscious and blood all over his face.

And the other man holding him with a big gash on the side of his stomach. Some dried blood and it was still going. Mother came over and screamed. She stopped and saw Sam too. She rushed them inside and told me to hurry to my room. Instead Lily and I listened in.

Mrs: "Is he ok?!"

Mr: "Oh god what happened!?"

Stranger: I went to his house for a little project. His father, I guess, woke up and started beating him around. So I told him to stop. He looked at me, and a few words were spoken and then we got into a fight. What I didn't even fucking know is that that man. Is some sort of creature. I fought it off since its still half human. But it won't be knocked out for long."

After that we heard nothing but whipsers and moving around. Then a door slammed. We ran to our bed once we heard footsteps.

"I know you two are awake. Sams gonna be fine. Your father took both of them to the hospital. As they both needed it." My mother spoke out of sorrow and being tired.

Mrs. Davidson POV:

I sighed slowly as I tiredly walked back to my room.

Unhappy and ready for sleep to take me. This wasn't the first time Sam has gotten hurt like that. But this is the first time someone stood up for him and fought off a demon. Suprisingly, he got away with both if their lives. I'm just glad that Sam is alright.

I smirked evily, 'those two better date.' I thought to myself as I let sleep overtake me.

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