College Party!

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"Hey baby." Jack smiled at me

"Guess what!?" I asked


"I said guess." I chuckled

"I'm not going too-" Jack stopped as he looked at my eyes.

"I. Said. Guess." I glared.

"Uh, ahem I-is it someone's birthday?"

"Nope! Theres a college party tonight! Lets go to it!"

"Uhhh. No." He looked away.


Jack looked at me sternly, "college parties are full of drunkies and shit. Its a place for young adults to have fun and do whatever. And I mean whatever."

"Awww c'mon babe! It'll be so fun!"

"Hm." He looked at me


Jack hesitated before nodding. "Fine." I jumped up shouting a yes and going to my room to put on my party clothes.

"Why do I always say yes?" Jack groaned as he went to get ready too.


"I'm nervous."

Jack looked at me and smirked, "well theres no escape now. You wanted it. You got it. So lets go." He picked me up and I freaked out.

"I mean, c'mon Jack! Babe! Stop! Its not worth it!"

"Then I'll stay next to you the whole night." He smirked

I smiled and calmed down. I trusted him. He put me down once we were at the door and opened it. Some people looked and then shrugged and went back to talking and all.


I looked at Sam and held his hand. "It'll be fine." I was doing this for him and I'll make sure he doesn't get hurt. Not on my watch.

Then I saw Kyle and Manny with Creel and Toby. I tapped Sams shoulder and pointed at them. He smiled and ran to them, once there he started talking and laughing with them and I walked over and hung out with them, the music was blasted louder and we started dancing around and playing some games like truth or dare and I forgot the name of that one ping pong game.

I might be a little drunk, we played spin the bottle and once I was even more drunk I started doing the weirdest shit as Sam recorded and laughed his ass off with everyone else.

Sam recorded most of the party so I would see what happened. A fight happened and Sam, me and everyone started cheering and once that was over alcohol was being thrown everywhere and on everyone, it started getting so weird that lights started flashing too, and the music was fucking awesome.

Of course Manny was drunk and Kyle was dealing with him, they had to leave early. And Toby and Creel later then had to go home cuz he had school and Creel was tired. So it was just Sam and I again. We had fun and then once I saw it was 3 in the morning I decided it was time to go home. Sam had to drive since he was way more sober than me and since I was still drunk he asked me funny questions before I passed out.


"Hahaha!!" We were all laughing our ass's off at Jacks drunk moments.

Thats when I heard Jack come down from throwing up. He was probably hungover so I turned down the TV and told everyone to keep it quiet so Jack wouldn't have to suffer more.

They did, Jack kissed my head, got his food and went back in the room to lie down. We giggled and bursted out laughing at some partd and had to quiet down quickly so Jack wouldn't get all cranky. I thought the party was gonna be horrible for me but it was a blast!

"That was the most fun I've had in my life guys." Jade came in and gave us each breakfast happily. I smiled.

"Hey Jade, where's Beth?"

"At her job, she'll be back later." Jade responded

"Oh and Jade, bring Jack some breakfast."

"Alright" she headed upstairs

"Thanks!" We turned off the drunk moments and went to the news for the day. It was kinda boring yes, but it was also very suspenseful with its crimes and all, and I'm a very curious person.

"We have some bad news everyone, there has been a breakout in the prison and police are trying to find him." Said the news reporter

"I wonder who it is now." Jade said as she came back down and sipped her coffee.

I shrugged and took a bite of bacon.
"No one knows where he is right now, but if any of you see him this is what he looks like." They showed a picture of Kevin and I choked on my bacon as Jade spit out her coffee, I heard someone drop something and I looked to see Creel with her mouth covered and her eyes as wide as Jades. We had told Creel everything so by this point she knew who he was.

Everyone else went wide-eyed and I noticed Jack on the stairs looking so very pissed. Even if hes hungover he knows when shit goes down.

Everyone looked at me as I stared at the TV trying not to cry. What he did to me last time was scary. But what would he do now...? I started crying a bit because I knew he was in our area, and scared me. And that if he found me again, it'll be worse this time, of course we live somewhere else. But what if he goes to my parents house and hurts them...

Jack came over, sat down, grabbed me and put me on his lap as I tried so hard not to cry. I dug my head in his shoulder and sat there for a second. Jade turned off the TV and stood there.


'I can't believe it..He actually escaped.' I looked at Sam and frowned to see him just sitting there on Jack trying not to cry.

Sky came over and jumped onto the couch nuzzling Sams arm, Sky looked sad and Sam stayed in his position as he pet her slowly. He looked terrified.

And Jack looked pissed, he was even more pissed than me. He hated this, and wanted to make sure Kevin would never touch Sam again. And I'm sure it would turn to murder if it had to happen. I looked at everyone else and they were all either looking down or thinking about something.

"We should go, guys. Sam. Hun, we'll come back with some of your favorite cake later. But for now you need some alone time. See you, Sammy." I motioned everyone to get up and to go.

Once at the door I looked back once more to see Sam looking at me with sorrow and I mouthed 'goodbye'. I sadly closed the door and left.

Uh oh, Kevin is back. Shits gonna go down.

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