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"I'm going to go check on Amira, make sure she's okay. Then we go straight over to Finn." I told Nik and he nodded.
"Of course, sister." He nodded and I left the house. I got my phone to text Amira when I saw Elena. Well, not Elena.
"You're not Elena." I spoke as I approached her.
"No, I'm Katherine."
"Oh, of course." I nodded. "You're the vampiric doppelgänger. I hear you're evil."
"Who are you?"
"Klaus's older sister. Also your great great great-"
"Try skipping all the greats." She sighed.
"Grandmother." I carried on.
"No you're not."
"Let me finish." I told her. "Your ancestor's best friend."
"My ancestor?"
"Yeah, back when I was human. I knew a Petrova."
"You did?"
"So you know who I am?"
"I've heard about you. Nothing good. Mainly that you're an evil vampiric bitch."
"That's true."
"So why'd you pretend to be Elena? Why not join the party to kill Klaus? Why save the man who hunted you for five centuries?"
"Maybe I hoped he'd give me my freedom."
"I don't buy it. There's no way you'd risk the chance he wouldn't."
"I've never heard of you." She changed the subject.
"Yes, well, should you have?"
"I made sure to know everything I could about your brother. I've heard about your siblings, never you."
"Why did you save my brother? You had no reason to. Unless you weren't saving Nik. Who were you trying to save?"
"I've heard of your father. I don't look out for anyone but myself. Thanks for the help though. Earlier. You care about Elena." She noted.
"Maybe I do. And there's someone you really do care for."
"How does that work? Elena helped try to kill your brother."
"Well, he did try to kill her. It's only fair."
"So you won't be mad at her."
"No. Because by tomorrow I'll have my family back. And my brother tried to kill her. Perhaps if she and Damon succeeded I would be angry, but they didn't. I should probably let her know I'm not out for blood. I'm sure with my earlier display of hatred towards my father left her quite unsettled."
"When you ripped his heart out?"
"Were you pretending to be Elena even then?"
"No, you mentioned it. Taunted him with it."
"That's right. I did."
"Why do you hate him so much?"
"Did you miss the part where he hunted my family and I?"
"Yes, but your anger, it's more than that. You hate him more than Klaus does."
"I don't appreciate people messing with my family."
"Yeah? The same family who've kept you hidden from the world?"
"What can I say. Family's family. You're stuck with them for life. You hate them and you love them but at the end of the day they're still family. Always and Forever."
"That's very sentimental. And total bullshit. You can always just cut ties with family. Like you did with your dad."
"That is true. But it'd have to be something super horrible. Like condemning your entire family to the curse of vampirism because you're afraid."
"Wow. No love lost between you and Mikael, huh?"
"Your efforts to glean information from me isn't exactly working."
"On the contrary."
"You know what I don't mind you knowing. If I didn't want you to know something, rest assured you would not."
"You sound so much like Elijah. The way you speak- it's a mix between informality and your brother."
"No one mentioned you were close to Elijah."
"I'm not. He's helped your brother hunt me down for the better part of five hundred years."
"Yet you speak of him so fondly."
"I do not."
"I know love when I see it. You care for Elijah."
"I don't love him. Haven't you heard? I'm not capable of love."
"Do you know who says that? People who care. People who love."
"Love is a weakness."
"I wonder where I've heard that before." I rolled my eyes.
"I'll admit I cared for Elijah, once upon a time, but I was human, and naive. I loved Stefan, I did, and I even had my eye on Damon, but not anymore. Love for a human- it's great, but it doesn't belong with vampires."
"I don't believe that."
"Why not?"
"Being a vampire may be a curse, but it doesn't take our ability to love."
"Where have you been? The past thousand years. I've never heard a single person utter your name."
"I spent the last nine centuries daggered along with my twin brother, Finn."
"Your brother kept you daggered for nine centuries?"
"My family kept me daggered." I told her. "Are you staying in town long?"
"No, I'm going to leave. I'm leaving now, in fact."
"Do me a favour?" I asked her and she nodded. I took off my necklace. "I want you to follow this. It'll lead you someplace."
"What are you talking about?"
"Just promise me you'll follow it. I'd go myself, but I have family drama to tend to."
"Where will it take me?"
"I don't know exactly, but a thousand years ago I cast a spell."
"On what?"
"It was a gift. I sent it somewhere I didn't know, but this necklace should lead you there."
"Fine, but I'm not a fetch girl."
"Of course not. It's a favour." I nodded and she smiled.
"And this definitely does not make us friends."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
"It's a 'you scratch my back I'll scratch yours' thing."
"Guess I'll see you around." She shrugged and walked away. I waved before texting Amira.

Amity MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now