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"What's wrong with her?" Rebekah said. The Mikaelson siblings, save for Finn all stood around Amity's bed where she wouldn't wake up.
"I don't know. She hasn't moved."
"She went to go talk to Esther last."
"Why? She hates Esther." Klaus frowned. Kol looked at his sister, listening to make sure his niece or nephew was fine. He heard a small heartbeat come from her stomach and let out a sigh of relief. His siblings turned to look at him.
"What?" He asked.
"You just sighed."
"A 'thank god' kind of sigh."
"No I didn't." He denied.
"What is it, Kol?" Elijah said.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Who's the local witch we can use to figure it out?"
"There's Bonnie Bennett. She'll want to help." Klaus said, looking around finding a purse at the edge of her bed, and picking out her phone. He unlocked it and looked at her three contacts. Bonnie, Amira and Niklaus. He clicked Bonnie and let it dial but there was no answer.
"We'll just have to wait it out. Take turns looking after her?"
"I'll take first shift." Rebekah said, climbing into her sister's bed.
"I don't mind."
"Oh go away, Kol. This is only gonna work if we take turns." Rebekah scowled at him and her brothers all left the room.

Kol and Klaus ended up going to the Grill, and Elijah went to confront Elena. After he found out what had happened, he sent Rebekah to traumatise Elena, leaving Amity alone. But it seemed to be a good idea because as soon as Rebekah left, a golden hue enveloped Amity's body.

*first person*

I awoke with a gasp, my hand flying over to my stomach. I sat up, noticing no one around. The events of last night came rushing back to me.
"Oh my god." I groaned, getting out of Ben. I was in a loose t-shirt, and I looked down in confusion. Who changed me? I doubt it would have been Esther. Choosing to ignore that for now, I got changed and rushed to the witch house. If my mother would be performing a spell it'd be there. I saw my siblings in front of a ring of fire keeping Finn and Esther out of reach.
"Amity." Finn sighed and I shook my head.
"God knows I can't judge you for choosing to end this life but bringing our family down with you?" I asked, hurt. "How could you, Finn?"
"You should still be asleep." Esther frowned.
"Guess you forgot to account for the fact that I'm a vampire. I heal."
"Amity!" Kol sped to my side. "You shouldn't be here."
"Do not coddle me. I'm fine." I said sternly.
"No! Sisters!" Esther yelled out. "Do not abandon me!"
"Mother!" Finn called as the flames grew. Klaus and Elijah took a step back so as not to get hurt. By the time the flames diminished, Esther and Finn had disappeared.

Later that night our siblings gathered in the house.
"I think it's time I took a break from Mystic Falls." Elijah said.
"You're going to go?" I asked and he nodded, solemnly.
"I have to. Today, I acted despicably. Our mother was right. We're a curse stretched out on this earth and I don't want to be who I've turned into. I need to remember who I once was."
"That's okay, Elijah, just so long as you return to us." I said.
"So what happened to you?" Niklaus asked me.
"I figured out Esther's plan and she tried to shut me up."
"How did you find out?"
"I walked in on Esther and Elena talking and Esther tried to kill Elena less than a month ago. I know my spells and I know when things are off, so I put two and two together."
"I thought you didn't want to talk to Esther?" Rebekah said.
"I have a confession to make. While we're all together." I grimaced. "And you're all going to be angry and upset but Always and Forever, right? No matter what?"
"You're being too dramatic."
"Shut up, Kol." I glared. "I just want you all to take a deep breath, keep your anger in check and be happy. Because I need you to be happy for me. I need you."
"You're leaving too." Elijah stated.
"We will always be here for you, sister. What is it? And why does Kol know before the rest of us?"
"Because I'm actually smart and... you're not." He insulted.
"Kol!" I said. "So, I'm pregnant."
"With a baby?" Niklaus asked and I sent him a look.
"No with an elephant."
"Well, remember I was intimate with Abraham?"
"But you're a vampire."
"I'm guessing, since she's also a witch, she can have children. Vampire or not, a servant of nature is almost never barren."
"You're having Abraham's child? Again?!"
"And you want it?"
"I don't want to get rid of her." I replied.
"So you're keeping her?"
"Yes." I saw Nik's angry expression, and frowned. "Nik, I-"
"This is not your fault." Elijah stopped me. "And Niklaus doesn't blame you either. We could never have predicted this."
"And we'll be here for you, sister. Right?" Kol comforted.
"Of course. A baby could be just what this family needs."
"But this means we need to find Esther and kill her before she kills you all. I will not let her take away my family. Not again." I said determinedly.
"Maybe you should go with Elijah. I'm not pushing you away, it's just that you're right in the middle of the battleground that is Mystic Falls. The doppelgänger and her friends. Us. Mother." Nik suggested.
"But I can help."
"You need to pace yourself. You can't use magic left and right." Kol shook his head.
"I'll be fine." I sighed. "I can track Esther, and I can find Finn."
"Nik's right. You should go with Elijah. Just keep yourself safe. We'll deal with Mystic Falls and come to you. We'll be a family."
"It won't be long. It'll be okay."
"Who's going to unlink you?"
"I'll get Bonnie to."
"Who's going to find Finn?"
"He'll show up."
"Who's going to find Esther?"
"She'll show up."
"You're outnumbered sister."
"Fine, but if you're not with me by the time the baby's born, I'm coming to find you." I frowned.
"Deal." Rebekah said.
"Hug?" I asked, and Nik, Kol, Elijah and Rebekah sandwiched me into a hug.
"No need to pack." Elijah said. "We'll buy you a whole new set of clothes."
"I won't fit into mine anyways." I shrugged. "But I'm going to say goodbye to Bonnie."
"I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"Why not?"
"I went to extreme measures, to keep our family safe."
"What did you do Elijah?"
"I threatened the Salvatores. I told them to stop our mother. They decided to kill Abby Bennett. Turn her into a vampire."
"Oh my god!" I sped outside and I called Bonnie's phone.
"Oh my god, Bonnie, I just heard. Your mom."
"Why would you care?"
"Because you're my friend, and you're hurting. You're family."
"We're at Caroline's house." She sighed.
"I'll be there soon." I hung up and ran over. I knocked on the door.
"You must be Amity. Caroline said I'd have to invite you in."
"I suppose you don't have to. It's entirely your choice."
"Well my daughter doesn't agree. Come on in." The sheriff shrugged and walked out. I walked in with ease, and headed upstairs.
"Caroline." I sighed as I saw her outside a room.
"Just give them a second. They're talking." She said and I nodded.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine. I haven't seen you in a while. You disappeared at the party."
"My mother put a sleeping spell on me." I replied. The door opened, and Bonnie stood there, with puffy eyes. I pulled her in for a hug. "Oh god, Bonnie!"
"I'll be fine. It's really Abby who's in pain."
"Hey, it's understandable." I comforted. "Your mother's a vampire, and you're a witch. Mixed feelings."
"It's not just that. I mean, I care that she's a vampire and I wish she wasn't but she'll survive, I think. And I don't hate her. It's just I only just got her back and I don't want to lose her."
"And you won't. You're already taking the first step. You're accepting her for who she is. Vampires and witches never get along, but you're not going to adhere to those rules, and that's why your relationship with your mother is going to survive."
"You think?"
"I know." I told her.
"Come, you should meet her." She led me inside and Caroline followed.
"Abby, this is Amity."
"Bonnie tells me you're an ancestor of ours?" She said and I nodded.
"Yes, I was."
"So how long have you been a vampire?" She asked and I turned to Bonnie. She shrugged.
"You met Esther? The original witch? She's my mother."
"Wait, you're related to the vampires we just tried to kill?"
"Siblings." I shrugged.
"Finn is her twin brother." Bonnie explained.
"The creepy one?"

Amity MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now