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Later that night, Elijah was walking down a road. Katherine found him and walked over to him.
"Wait!" She called.
"I get it. I should pay more attention to my elder sister." He said.
"Glad you realised, but that's not why I'm here."
"What do you want?" He asked.
"To tell you that you're right. Killing Jeremy Gilbert was wrong. And maybe I did it for Amity, maybe I did it for me. But I've spent so much time running and lying just to survive that I don't- I'm starting to believe my own lies. I don't even remember who I was when we first met." She sighed. "And I want to find out." She took the box with the cure out of her purse and held it out to him.
"You have the cure." He said.
"Yeah. And I can shove this down Klaus' throat and try to kill him, but even if I manage to do it... I'd lose you. Or I could give it to Amity, tell her everything, but I'd lose her. And I don't want either of that to happen."
"How do I know this isn't another lie? Katherine Pierce deceiving yet another man."
"Because I meant what I said earlier, about my feelings for you. And I'd like to think that you feel something for me, too. I need you to trust me. I want you to trust me. Just like I'm trusting you. You don't owe me anything. I'm going to let you decide where we go from here." She said and walked away, as Elijah opened the box and looked at the cure. Rebekah sat atop a car, and jumped off.
"You and Katherine? And I thought you were the smart brother."
"You don't have a smart brother. It turns out I'm just as stupid as the rest of you."
"Why don't you just give me the cure so I can judge you silently elsewhere?"
"Because Katherine was right. There is someone who deserves this cure more than anyone else. What could you possibly want with the cure?"
"I want to be human again."
"How do you know that being human is the answer you're looking for? I mean, it's nothing but a romantic notion. The grass won't necessarily be greener, Rebekah."
"You're probably right. But I don't care. I want to live a simple life as a normal person. And when it ends, it ends. We've had 20 lifetimes together, Elijah. Isn't that enough?"
"I just don't understand. I mean, why must you always consider our family a burden? Always and forever. I mean, those words are as important to me today as they-as they ever were."
"You will always be my brother. And I will never stop loving you. But now it's time for me to live and die the way that I choose, not the way you and Nik want me to. Please. Please just give me the cure." She pleaded and her phone started to ring. "What do you want, Nik?"
"An update on our search for the elusive cure."
"Let's just say that things have gotten complicated. In fact, why don't you speak to one of those complications? Here." She handed the phone over to Elijah.
"Complication speaking." Elijah greeted, as he and Rebekah got into a car.
"Big brother." Klaus smirked. "At last you join the fray. I assume Amity's there too?"
"Amity is back in England with Amira. Besides, somebody had to take charge. And now that I have, I've got the cure and I'm bringing it back to Mystic Falls."
"With a long list of demands, I assume?"
"Not that long."
"Come home, brother. We'll settle this like family. Almost." Klaus said and Elijah hung up.

When Elijah and Rebekah managed to finally get to Mystic Falls, they had a family meeting. Of sorts.
"There is one cure. But three reasons. I want to hear each of your reasons for the cure."
"Who's the third?"
"Katerina. She had a... a persuasive reason. One that I doubt either of you will be able to beat. But I'll give you chances."
"Katherine wanted to give it to Klaus. What reason could she possibly have that moved you so?" Rebekah narrowed her eyes.
"So either you give it to me or Katerina will give it to me." Klaus said. "It sounds like I win either way."
"First, make your cases. The both of you." Elijah said.
"Fine. Elijah, being a human means a fresh start. I can grow old and have a family and fill my days with meaning, knowing that each one matters."
"Well that was poetic." Klaus laughed.
"Well, if you can provide us with a more compelling reason for wanting the cure, Klaus, please."
"Silas can appear as anyone. He got inside my thoughts, convinced me I was dying. He will torment me until I give him the cure."
"And in doing so he will break down the wall to the Other Side." Rebekah argued.
"So it doesn't trap him there when he dies. He wants to reunite with his lost soulmate." Klaus looked to his elder brother. "You, of all lovesick fools, should applaud his devotion."
"But he will open the floodgates for every supernatural being that has ever died!" She declared.
"Including our dear brothers, Kol and Finn. We'll have our family back."
"Please, you hated Kol and you kept Finn in a box for most of his life." She scowled.
"Elijah, please." Klaus said.
"Your personal discomfort might not be sufficient reason for putting the entire world in jeopardy, Klaus. I think our sister deserves a shot at happiness. It's only the matter of deciding which sister."
"What do you mean which sister?"
"It's no secret how much Amity has suffered with being a vampire. And now that she's going to have a child, would it not be more appropriate for her to live with her child as a human? For them to grow old together as she should have done with Abraham and Benji?"
"You want to give Amity the cure? Does she even know about it?" Rebekah asked.
"Not yet. But if she takes it, she gets to grow old with her family."
"She's not the only one who craves a human life. And she has her granddaughter too. She can have children, I can't. We've spent more than enough time together. All of us. Amity lived only a century."
"Tell me you're joking." Klaus glowered. "Tell me you're not fating me to an eternity of torture."
"I made my decision." Klaus stands up angered.
"If you get the cure, live as happy a life as you want. But when you're sick and dying, and you beg for my blood, I will laugh in your face and compel you to forget me." He whispered harshly into her ear, before walking out. Rebekah didn't react, and instead put a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Where is the cure?" She asked her brother.
"Rebekah, it's no secret that you are impulsive, emotional, and at times morally questionable. Prove to me this isn't just another one of your whims, that you know precisely what you are giving up here."
"Fine. Anything."
"I want you to live a day as a human. This day. No vampire privileges-- no strength, no compulsion, no nothing. If you succeed, if you still believe this is what you want, the cure is yours. If not, the cure goes straight to Amity."

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