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I narrowed my eyes as Finn spoke with Elena. Why did my mother want to speak with her? I would have walked over if Elijah hadn't walked me to the staircase. I put on a smile as Elijah decided to make an announcement. The rest of my siblings gathered and Esther walked in, standing beside Elijah.
"Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom." As he finished people began to pair off, including Niklaus and Rebekah who started to dance with Caroline and Matt.
"Sister." Finn held out his hand.
"I'd rather not dance with you, Finn. Unless you agree that our mother is a horrible-"
"Witch with a b?" He asked. "I don't understand what that means."
"I'm sure Esther would understand it's meaning. Why don't you ask her?" I walked away from him and to Kol. I hadn't spent much time with him. "Little brother. Why don't you dance with me?"
"Sure, of course." He led me to the dance floor. "Finn looks irked."
"I suppose he does. He'll just have to get over it." I looked. "How have you been, Kol?"
"Just peachy."
"I just want to say I care about you, brother. I hope you know that. You're my youngest brother, and I know at times it may seem like I'm closer to the rest of our siblings and not you."
"I had never thought that. At least not until you brought it up." He said, before laughing. "I'm joking, sister. I know you care for me. I get it. It's just that-"
"No, you don't get it. I wanted to be to Rebekah what our elder sister Freya was to me. Niklaus was always suffering by our parents hand. Finn, well he's always been Finn, and Elijah has almost always been around. You, however have always been the only normal one in our family. You always had a laugh, and you had your magic. You never needed me as much. And maybe I didn't spend enough time with you."
"We must have different memories, Ami. When we were human, you paid more attention to me than the rest of our siblings. You laughed at my jokes, helped me with my magic and pranks. When we turned, you were still there for me and when you were daggered it was the most peaceful any of us had seen you. We didn't want to ruin that or ruin you. That's why I voted against removing the dagger."
"You have always been a sweet little boy."
"I'm not sweet."
"Well, you have your moments. I just want you to know, I love you just as much as I love any of the rest of our siblings."
"It's nice to hear it, but I know. Don't feel guilty." Kol frowned. "Come with me a second."
"Where to?"
"I just want to check something." He said leading me outside, away from the noise.
"What is it, Kol?"
"Listen." He said.
"Listen? Listen to what?"
"Just listen." He emphasised and I used my vampire hearing to listen around us. Three heartbeats.
"There's someone else here?"
"Not yet." He said, looking pointedly at my stomach.
"No." I said, realising what he said, my eyes wide. "It isn't possible, Kol. This- how'd you pull it off. It's another of your pranks, isn't it? I know it is. Come on, tell me the truth."
"It's not me." He said as I laughed.
"Come on Kol. I've caught you. I- I'm a vampire, it's just not possible."
"Sister, it's not me. I didn't do this. I think you're pregnant."
"I can't be!" I yelled, suddenly.
"I suppose it could happen. You're also a witch, a servant of nature. No witch is ever barren."
"But- but Abraham was dead."
"For a short period of time he was alive."
"Oh my god, I can't do this. I can't, Kol."
"Yes you can."
"You don't understand. I need, I need Abraham."
"No you don't. You are a strong independent young lady."
"I can't. The last time I was pregnant our father killed her."
"When Mikael and Esther turned us, I was with child. That's why I can do magic, because when my child died there was no other place for her magic to go. It's not my magic."
"There are options. Herbs and spices. It'd be quick and painless."
"I'm not killing the baby."
"There's adoption. You give birth, and we'll find a good family that can't have a child. A safe environment."
"They would never understand. The humans. They won't understand the magic."
"We could search for witches."
"Oh my god. Esther knew about it." I paled. "This must be why she wanted to talk to me."
"You think?"
"This reminds me too much of the night we were turned. Our family all gathered together. Esther wanting to talk to me, finding out I'm pregnant. There's even alcohol inside."
"Maybe you should go to bed? Just lie down and try to relax?"
"I don't know. Mother wanted to talk to Elena. I want to know why."
"It's okay, I think Elijah's going to talk to Elena. You need to rest."
"No buts. Come on, I'm taking you there." He said and dragged me into the house and up the stairs.
"Wait. I want to talk to Esther."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"It's the only one I've got." I said shaking him off and walking over to Esther's room. I opened the door, only to see she and Elena talking.
"Amity. I thought you didn't want to talk to me."
"Elena, could you give a few minutes with Esther?" I asked and she nodded and walked out of the room.
"What can I do for you?"
"Is it true? Am I-?"
"You figured it out?"
"This is just like a thousand years ago. You're still up to your old tricks, aren't you? You killed us all then, you want to kill us all now."
"Don't be silly. How would I do that without the white oak stake?"
"With the power of witches. I know you're up to no good. What did you do? Spike the champagne? And why are you talking to Elena? You tried to kill her not that long ago." I looked around the room. "Unless you need her. She's a doppelgänger, that makes her special. Makes her blood special."
"You were always the smart one in the family."
"Maybe you just need to be more original. So what? Elena's blood in the champagne. What next? What spell could you cast that would affect our siblings that would require Elena's blood? No, I'm overthinking it. Obviously not too much blood, or people would be able to smell it. Just her essence. But of course!" My eyes lit up with a solution. "A linking spell. It's a full moon tomorrow. You could draw on the power of the moon. What happens to one happens to all. You'd just need to get close enough to kill one of us. Finn? You've been awfully close to him. Mother of the year. Get close to your son, only to kill him."
"Oh please, Finn knows all about it. He volunteered to be the martyr."
"No. I don't believe you. Finn wouldn't. I don't care how you've messed with his mind, but Finn wouldn't come after us all. I wouldn't drink the champagne. You would have known that, and you know there's no way I'm taking any herbal drinks from you. So how are you linking me to the rest of your children?"
"We have no plans to link you. You have managed to remain pure, and I've already taken part in killing one of your children, I won't make the same mistake. Finn's also adamant we don't touch you. He says you've got work to do."
"Freya's alive, along with Dahlia. And talk about making the same mistake. Everything you're doing today is a mirror to when you first turned us, only the last time you took me away from my family. This time you want to take my family away from me?"
"Somnus." She said and I fell to the ground. "I can't have you interfering, my child."

Amity MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now