Bits n' Binds

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Anne woke up the next morning to Athena sticking her cold nose in her face. “Ugh, Athena! I’m up, I’m up!” Anne sighed as she threw the blankets off and got out of bed.

Patting Athena as she walked to the bathroom Anne glanced at the clock, 8:30 a.m. “Okay Athena, if I take you back to the park today do you promise not to tackle anyone?” Athena wagged her tail and ran up to Anne. “No more bothering strangers, got it!” Anne smiled down at the dog.

After brushing her teeth and face Anne put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and threw her hair up in a ponytail under a hat. Grabbing a sweatshirt and her shoes Anne walked into the kitchen to feed Athena. Grabbing a yogurt out of the refrigerator Anne looked around the flat. It was nice to see all of her pictures and personal items around. She finally felt settled. Smiling she ate her yogurt and made herself a cup of coffee.

Anne grabbed her phone and a book and headed out to the park with Athena. The day was cool and Anne was glad she had remembered to grab a sweatshirt. When they arrived at the park Anne made her way over to her usual bench and tied Athena up, making sure to double knot the leash. “You aren’t getting away today girl!” Anne laughed as Athena settled down into the grass.

Anne settled on the bench and was soon lost in her book. After a couple of hours Anne felt stiff and stood up to stretch. “You ready to head home girl? I’m hungry.” Anne said looking down at Athena. The dog looked up at her and yawned. Bending down to untie the leash Anne headed out of the park.

As Anne was walking she heard her phone buzz. She reached in her pocket and smiled when she saw a text from an unknown number.

Hey it’s Harry. Have a good sleep? xx

Anne – Very good, you? How was your mtg?

Harry – Slept great. Mtg went well.

Anne – Glad to hear. Still sorry I kept you out so late!

Harry – No regrets :) Have a good day! xx

Anne – You too!

Anne smiled as she continued her walk home. He really was a sweet guy.

When Anne got home she jumped in the shower and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a cardigan. She needed to run a few errands and decided to grab lunch while she was out. Anne threw on her converse, grabbed her keys and headed out.

Her flat was just a few blocks from the underground so it was a quick walk. While on the train Anne made a list of the things she needed. She needed some groceries, Athena needed a new bone, and Anne also wanted to pick up a new book.

The train pulled into the station and Anne followed the crowd up the stairs. As she came up to the street level she looked around and tried to decide where to eat. It was after one o’clock and her stomach had been rumbling the whole ride. She walked into a café around the corner from the station to grab a sandwich.

Anne sat down and looked over the menu. The waitress came over and Anne decided on a BLT. Anne was just taking a sip of her water when she heard her name.


Anne looked up to see Liam walking toward her.

“Hi Liam!” Anne smiled as she stood up to give Liam a hug. “How are you?”

“I’m good, and you?” Liam smiled as Anne sat back down.

“Good, thanks. Would you like to sit down?” Anne pointed to the empty seat across from her.

“Sure, just for a minute. I just came in to pick up some sandwiches for the boys. We are in the studio just around the corner. Harry mentioned that you are all unpacked now, must feel nice?” Liam sat down and smiled at Anne.

A Walk in the ParkWhere stories live. Discover now