The Day After

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Anne woke up the next morning with her head on Harry’s chest and his arms wrapped around her. She smiled when she thought of the previous night. She could not believe last night had actually happened. She had kissed Harry and spent the night in his arms! It was so cheesy, but she had been dreaming of this for so long.

She could feel the steady rhythm of Harry’s breathing beneath her and she began to worry. They had confessed their feelings for each other after the release party, but they had both agreed it would be better to just shelve it with the tour coming. Now, with the tour only weeks away they had kissed! What had she done? It was going to be hard enough to say goodbye to Harry as a friend, how was she going to say goodbye to him now, now that she knew what it was like to kiss him and have him hold her?! This was a mistake! They can’t start anything with him leaving, and now things will be awkward! She should have stopped this last night before it went any farther than the initial kiss.

Anne could feel her heart begin beat faster as her mind began to race. She needed to get some air. She slowly tried to slip out of his arms, but with each movement he seemed to tighten his grip. She reached up and brushed the curls from his forehead and his arms relaxed a bit allowing her to slip out. As she got out of the bed Harry rolled over onto his stomach and gripped the pillow. Anne smiled looking down at him and she felt her heart swell.

She grabbed some sweats and a sweatshirt and went into the bathroom to change. After brushing her teeth and washing her face she headed out to take Athena for a quick walk.

While she walked her up the road she continued to worry, what if things were strange between them now? What if he regretted it? He was leaving soon and they had agreed that it was best just to remain friends for a reason. Although part of her knew they probably should not have given into their feelings, she knew she didn’t regret last night. It felt right waking up in Harry’s arms. But how would she feel with him away for so long and with them in this weird place?

She walked back into the flat to find Harry in the kitchen making pancakes.

Harry smiled when he saw her. “I woke up and you were gone. When I saw Athena was gone as well I figured you had taken her for a walk so I thought I would start breakfast. I hope that’s okay?”

Anne smiled back, still a bit nervous in the light of day. “Of course. Thank you.” She hung up the leash. “Anything I can do to help?”

“I could use a morning kiss?” Harry smiled taking her hand and pulling her close.

Anne laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “That I can do.” As Harry’s lips met hers she felt the familiar sparks flow through her and also a sense of relief. At least he didn’t regret last night.

“I better put my focus on the pancakes so they don’t burn.” Harry smiled and gave her another quick kiss before going back to the stove. “So what would you like to do today love?” Harry smiled and looked at her over his shoulder.

“I hadn’t really thought about it.” Anne smiled as leaned on the counter. “Did you have anything you wanted to do?”

“Just spend the day with you.” Anne blushed at his comment. “Oh Anne, your mobile went off while you were out.”

“Oh, thanks.” Anne walked back to her bedroom to grab the mobile. She had two missed texts from Eleanor and Sam.

Eleanor – Hope you had a Happy Christmas! Heard Harry joined you! ;) Girls brunch with Sophia tomorrow?

Sam – Hey you! How are things?

Anne smiled. She knew Eleanor would be thrilled with the fact that she and Harry had maybe figured things out. So would Sam for that matter.

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