Pizza with the Boys

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Harry and Anne walked out to Harry’s car. “You sure you don’t mind the boys inviting themselves over?” Harry asked as he opened the door for her.

Anne laughed as she slid into the seat. “No, not at all. I think it’s funny really. Athena will be thrilled with all of the attention!”

Harry got into the driver’s seat and started the car. “I just feel like Liam kind of put you on the spot.”

“Really Harry, it’s okay. It will be fun.” Anne smiled at Harry as he pulled out of the parking lot.

“So where to first?” Harry smiled and looked over at Anne.

“I think I can get most everything at Tesco. Then I just need to stop at the pet store to get a dog bone for Athena. There is one just a few doors down from the Tesco I think…”

“Yeah I think you are right. Why don’t I drop you at the Tesco and I’ll run in to the pet store and get Athena her bone.” Harry pulled up to a stoplight.

“Okay.” Anne smiled and leaned back in the seat.

“Are you tired?” Harry glanced over at her as the light turned green.

“No, just thinking.” Anne turned to Harry and smiled.  

“Uh oh, what are you thinking about?”

“Just how much my life has changed in the two weeks since I moved here. In some ways it seems like I’ve been here forever.”

Harry smiled. “Well those are good thoughts.”

They drove on a bit longer and Harry pulled up to the Tesco. “I’ll go get the bone and then meet you back here.”

“Okay. She really likes these beef bones. You know the ones that have all the gross real stuff on them?” Anne reached for her purse. “I’m not sure how much they are, but I think this should cover it.” Anne handed Harry £20.

Harry laughed. “Really Anne? I think I can cover the cost of a bone for your dog.”

Anne blushed. “Just take it.”

Harry laughed and took the money. “I’ll meet you back here.”

Anne got out of the car and walked into the Tesco. She grabbed a trolley and grabbed her list. She was about almost through the list when she heard Harry’s voice behind her. “How’s it coming?”

“Almost done. What kind of snacks should I get for tonight? What do the boys like to eat?” Anne looked absently at Harry as she put a box of tea in the trolley.

“Don’t buy anything special for them. They invited themselves over to your flat! I told them if they wanted snacks to bring them themselves.” Harry shook his head and picked through the trolley to see what she had bought.

“Harry! You did not! That’s so rude!” Anne looked at him shocked.

“It’s fine Anne really, it’s the least they can do. I’ve seen these boys eat. They will eat you out of house and home.” Harry looked at her smiling.

“I’m still buying some snacks so they may as well be things everyone likes, suggestions?” Anne said raising her eyebrow.

“Okay, okay. Crisps, we all like crisps. Water or coke to drink. We’re going to be ordering pizza so we shouldn’t really need too much to snack on.” Harry smiled at her.

“Okay, come on.” Anne walked to the aisle with the crisps and they picked out a variety. “Now we’re done.”

Anne and Harry walked to the checkout. As they waited in line Anne glanced over and saw one of the tabloid magazines with the headline ‘Harry Styles & New Flame Heating Up the Beach?’ with a picture of Harry and a beautiful blonde. Harry must have noticed where Anne was looking.

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