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Harry released a deep breath. "I'm so glad you feel the same." A huge smile crossed his face as he leaned over, taking her head in his hands and kissing her deeply. Anne smiled into the kiss and held on to his wrists. Harry soon pulled her over into his lap kissing all over her face and along her jaw. "I love you so much. More than you could ever imagine. I am so sorry." Harry mumbled between kisses.

Anne giggled as his curls tickled her neck. "Harry, I love you too, but I need to straighten my leg, it's aching."

"I'm sorry baby." Harry helped Anne to stand and stood to wrap his arms around her. "I am so happy. I was afraid I lost you this morning. I really am so sorry for behaving the way I did. I have no excuse for my behavior."

Anne pulled her head away from his chest and looked up at him. "Why did you though? You've never had a problem with me working before while you were here."

Harry looked into her eyes as he rubbed up and down her back. "I am really not sure what got into me this morning. Since the accident I have been so on edge because I couldn't be with you and protect you from the risks being a part of my life has brought. Being with you, it felt like I could breathe normally again. And when you said you were leaving I just freaked out. I know it doesn't make sense; it doesn't even really make sense to me. I never want you to think that I resent the time you spend working on your research. Yes, I would love to be with you all of the time, but neither of our work allows for that."

"I can sort of understand where you are coming from. I hate the idea of being a way from you too. When you leave for tour I tend to bury myself in research so the void doesn't feel as big. But Harry, I have to know that when you are home on break you understand that I might not be able to just drop everything. It does not mean that I don't want to be with you, but like you said, this is my dream. I would never expect or ask you to not go into the studio or go on tour because that is your dream. As long as we promise to make time for each other, we can have this and our dreams."

"I promise to always make time for you and I promise to respect the time you spend working on your dream." Harry smiled and rubbed his thumbs along her cheeks.

Anne smiled back. "And I promise to always make time for you and respect the time you spend working on your dream."

Harry leaned down and placed a chaste kiss to her lips. "So should we eat now?"

Anne laughed and sat back down at the table to enjoy the wonderful meal Harry had made.

Anne and Harry spent the rest of his break blissfully happy. He took her to and from campus so she could do her research and they would spend every night wrapped up in each others arms. Louis and El came over for dinner and El barely stifled her squeal when she heard Harry say 'love you' to Anne. When it was time for Harry to go back on tour, they were both sad, but also felt more secure in where they stood. Harry only had another month left of tour and then he would be home for months. His break coincided with Anne's break from school so they would have a lot of time to spend together, and hopefully she would be fully healed. Harry hinted that he had a lot of plans for their time together and Anne couldn't wait.

AN: I know this update is long overdue and very short. More updates will follow and the story will be completed shortly. Thank you for reading.

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