Harry Meets Sam Redux

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Monday Anne had to go to campus to work on her research and Sam was going to relax and try to get back his preferred status with Athena by taking her to the park to play. While Anne was at the library she felt her phone buzz.

 Harry – Hey, are you on campus today?

 Anne – Yep, getting some work done. What’s up?

Harry – Do you want a ride home tonight? I’m nearby and could wait for you.

Anne – Sure.

Harry – Great, what time?

Anne – About 4?

Harry – I’ll be outside the library.

Anne – See you then!

Harry – btw Very proud of you for just saying yes! :)

Anne – Thought you would like that! I’m getting better!

Anne couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face. She always got this giddy feeling when she knew she was going to be seeing Harry.

After a few more hours of work it was time to meet Harry, so Anne packed up her stuff. As she walked out she noticed he was not so lucky today and that some fans had spotted him. He had gotten out of the car to pose for a few photos and sign some autographs. Harry had been very careful when hanging out with Anne or going to her flat to avoid the paparazzi and so far neither they nor the fans had picked up on their new friendship. Anne hung back because she didn’t want to interfere, but when Harry saw her he just smiled and said goodbye to the fans motioning for Anne to get in the car.

“Why were you standing back there?” Harry asked as he pulled out into traffic.

“I just wanted to give you space with the fans. I didn’t want to interfere.”

“Anne, you would never be interfering. So, how did the research go today?”

“Pretty good. How was your day?”

“Good, making some last changes to the album. In some ways November seems so far away, but when I look at everything we need to do I feel like we’ll never get it all done.”

“But just think of how great it will be when it comes out!” Anne smiled at him.

Harry just looked at her and smiled. “So what did Sam do today while you worked?”

“He tried to win back Athena’s affection by playing with her all day I think.” Anne laughed.

Harry laughed. “Well she should be exhausted then.”

“Most likely. Sam too. I think he forgot how energetic she is. Remember how tired Liam was after playing with her? And the job you guys do requires a lot of energy. Sam sits at a desk all day!”

“Speaking of Liam, I spoke to the lads and everyone is in for Friday, Sophia and Eleanor too. Zayn is going to visit Perrie, but he is going to leave Saturday morning instead of Friday so he can meet Sam.”

“Oh yeah, Eleanor texted me about it today.”

Harry smiled. “We’re still trying to decide where to go. It’s kind of hard for all of us to go out somewhere together without security, especially with the girls.”

“Well we could do it at my flat, that would probably be easier with the dog. But do you think everyone would prefer to go to a club or something?”

“I don’t think anyone would be opposed to doing it at your flat, but are you sure you want to take that on again. Remember how it was with the lads before?” Harry laughed.

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