New Years Eve

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Anne woke up feeling extremely warm. She could feel the weight of Harry’s arm wrapped around her and his breath on her neck. She smiled thinking of the last few days. They had spent them curled up on the sofa watching films, taking Athena for walks and cooking.

They had been laying low and luckily no fans or paparazzi had taken notice of them. After running into all of the photographers when they had gone shopping together there had been brief mention of Harry being spotted with a new girl, but no one had gotten a clear picture of her and it was soon forgotten. Anne knew they had been lucky that time and did not want to cause anymore drama in Harry’s life with him getting ready to start the tour in a couple of weeks.

Anne loved lying with Harry, but she was getting uncomfortably hot from his body heat. She decided to get up and go take care of Athena and start breakfast. She gently lifted his arm and scooted off of the bed, making sure to tuck the blankets back around him. When she stood up she felt a bit dizzy, but she figured it was just because she had been so warm wrapped up with Harry.

After quickly getting dressed she took care of Athena and then put on some tea. She wasn’t feeling well, but she was hoping that once she had some breakfast and a shower she would feel better. She was just pulling some eggs out when Harry came out from the bedroom rubbing his eyes.

“When did you get up?” He asked as he stretched and rubbed Athena’s head.

“Hmm, about twenty minutes ago? I took care of Athena and am just about to make some eggs. Sound good?”

“Wonderful. You could have woken me up you know.” Harry smiled as he walked over to her.

“I know, but you looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to disturb you. You need to enjoy sleeping in while you can right?” Anne laughed and leaned back into Harry as he wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

“True. You feel really warm Anne.” Harry pulled back, turning her to face him and placed his hand on her forehead and on the back of her neck. “Are you feeling okay?”

“I feel a bit off, but I’m sure I just need some breakfast and a shower.” Anne wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest.

“If you’re sure. Why don’t you go take a nice hot shower and I’ll finish breakfast.” Harry rubbed his hands up and down her back and Anne could feel herself almost falling asleep.

“M’kay.” Anne shuffled off towards the bathroom to take a shower.

While relaxing the shower did nothing to improve the way she was feeling. When she came back out Harry had breakfast ready and had made her some tea.

“Feel any better?” Harry asked as he put her tea on the counter.

“Not really. I really hope I’m not getting sick. I was supposed to go to that party with you tonight.” Anne sighed as she sat down and sipped her tea. She was actually starting to feel worse with a sore throat, body aches, and a headache.

“Don’t worry about the party Anne. There will be other parties. We just need to get you better.”

“I know. I just hate being sick.” Anne picked at her eggs.

“Why don’t you go back and lay down. I’ll clean up all of this and take Athena for another walk.”

“Thanks Harry.” Anne smiled up at him as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Maybe you should take some medicine, do you have any?”

“Yeah, there is some in the cabinet. I’ll take some and then lay down.” Anne stood up and started walking toward the cabinet.

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