Unpleasant Sojourn

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Unpleasant Sojourn

We went to a country,
and got captivated by its beauty.
The people are so jolly,
they do things so lively.

One thing we didn't like,
we weren't able to hike.
The bus driver took us to a place,
we weren't familiar with.

He drove the bus recklessly,
he didn't even care for our safety.
We couldn't bear his carelessness,
he caused our unhappiness.

We were close to death that time,
it was like an unforgivable crime.
The rage we felt toward the driver,
we would always remember.

We were excited to visit a nice destination,
we decided to go there without hesitation.
Look what happened to us, so pitiful,
next time we will be more careful.

Yuchae Moon
April 28, 2016

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